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Posts posted by Michse42

  1. Hey there,

    first off I want to say that Tower!3D (Pro) is a really nice game and a lot of fun. However one small details quite annoys me: the AI pilots keep interrupting the readback.

    What happens often in-game:

    • Me: "TAB148 continue taxi"
    • ANG351: "ANG351 requesting push and start"
    • TAB148: "continue taxi, TAB148"

    How it should be (imho):

    • Me: "TAB148 continue taxi"
    • TAB148: "continue taxi, TAB148"
    • ANG351: "ANG351 requesting push and start"

    Playing rushhour in LAX is getting quite annoying to me, because I never get a direct reply from the plane I'm talking to. There is constantly someone interrupting because he wants a pushback, or is ready to taxi, or inbound for landing :(

    Is that intended behaviour? If not, can it be fixed?


    PS: sorry if that issue was discussed before, I couldn't find anything in the forum.


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