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Posts posted by rowcoach

  1. Thought I’d send out a short update. Did a short flight yesterday from CYRB to CYUB and here is what I found. 

    Autobrakes - the animation of the dial doesn’t work when the e175 is first loaded. I can confirm that if you select a different repaint of the e175, everything appears to work as it should. When I landed, the autobrakes did engage. 

    Spoilers/speed brakes - when on the ground, cannot deploy. When I move the lever forward, I see a message saying the spoilers are inoperative. This also happens after takeoff when in the air. However, when starting my initial descent into Tuktoyaktuk, I was able to successfully use the speed brakes to slow myself when needed. I had full control of the speed brakes all the way down to landing. Once on the ground and the spoilers were retracted, the speed brakes no longer worked. 

    I did notice a couple new issues - first was the auto throttle. I think this one is on me as I don’t think I’m using it correctly. As I start the take off roll, TOGA is on as is AT. The speed dial is on FMS. Throttles are advanced to about 40% then moved slowly forward until the AT takes over. At this point I moved my throttles all the way forward. About midway through my climb, both engines start to spool all the way back. The only way to fix this was to disengage the AT, pull my throttles all the way back to idle and then move them forward and manually control the speed of my climb. If I moved my throttles full forward, they immediately spoil back. I am able to re-engage the AT successfully as long as my throttles are not full forward. I do seem to remember reading somewhere that this is the way it’s supposed to be. 

    Second issue was with VNAV. it took me a while to figure out how to maintain my cruise altitude. If I use Alt Hold, the plane appears to oscillate above and below the selected altitude. Selecting VNAV was the only way I was able to hold my cruise altitude. This is probably operator error as well. 

    Last thing I noticed was a fuel tank lo temp warning. Slowing down didn’t turn it off. It also stayed on all the way down until I landed.

    I had my hands full for parts of the flight, but it is a fun plane to fly. Not sure if it would actually be used on small gravel strips.



  2. Thanks for the reply.

    The speed brake issue happened both in the air and on the ground. I have a throttle quadrant with the speed brake mapped to one of the levers. I would get the speed brake inoperable warning as soon as I moved the lever. From an outside view, the brakes do not deploy. I also tried using the ‘/‘ key and I get the same result. 

    I’m away from the sim now, but I’ll try to a screen shot of the warning message when I’m on later. 

    On a side note, What is the best way to load fuel? Is it from the payload page in the sim itself?



  3. Good afternoon,

    Ive had the Emb 175/95 since before Christmas, but today was my first attempt at flying it. Noticed a couple issues with the Emb 175. The autobrake dial was set at RTO even when I started up cold and dark. I was unable to move it out of RTO. When I retracted the landing gear, it stayed at RTO. The next issue was when I tried to deploy speed brakes. It’s get an aural warning as well as a message saying that speed brakes were inoperable. However, when I landed, the spoilers deployed automatically. 

    Sorry if this has brought up already. I did a quick search, didn’t see anything. I’m assuming it was because I had forgotten something when I was initially setting up the aircraft. Have t tried in the 195, but will late. I don’t own the 170/190 so am unable to see if it happens there as well. I do have the hot fix installed. 

    Thanks you in advance,


  4. Good evening,

    I’m not sure if there is a solution for this. I’ve been trying to map the High Pressure Cock (HPC) on the throttle quadrant to my Saitek TQ. I tried assigning one of my levers to either the mixture or condition axis, but had no luck. I then used the Log option to see what was happening when I manually moved the HPC levers in the sim. It shows that one lever is using both mixture and condition axis. With that in mind, I assigned both axis to a lever on my TQ, but still not luck. I’m only able to move the HPC levers with the mouse. 

    Has anyone else been able to do this? I am using FSX and a registered version of FSUIPC. 



  5. Good afternoon. I’m trying to do some problem solving. I set up Captain Sim’s new 757 this morning with my yoke and trottle quad using FSUIPC. I noticed that the left engine would jump up on its own to about 70% power. I could use My throttle lever to bring it back to idle, but it would eventually jump back up again right throttle worked as it should. 

    I went into FSUIPC and checked under the calibrate joystick tab. Under throttle, I noticed the values for the left throttle would fluctuate and the settle down to a value of between 400 and 800 for both max and min. 

    I tried with a joystick instead of the throttle quad and got the same result. The only time I didn’t notice it was before I configured FSUIPC. 

    Do you know what could cause this? I am going to delete the 757 profile from the ini file and start over to see if that works. 

    Does anyone have any other suggestions?



  6. Hello Peter,

    Thank you got your reply. I hope you enjoyed your break. 

    I was actually curious if you can use those similar parameters in other planes - specifically the Dash 8. There are a couple three way switches in the overhead panel. I have found the L:Vars commands to control them. The parameters would be 0, 1, and 2. I was hoping to use a 2-way rocker switch to cycle through all 3. Using TOGGLE will only pick 0 or 1. 

    Can this be done using L:Vars? 

    Than you. 


  7. Good afternoon. 

    When assigning buttons using List Var & macro commands, it is possible to assign parameters other than 1, 2, 3, etc....

    When using custom commands (event ID’s) you also have the option of entering a parameter - some allow you to pick a certain selection (1, 2, 3, etc) there are also parameters for a left or right mouse click. 

    Can you do the same when using macros and List Vars? I’m attempting to use a dial similar to the autobrake selector on the 737. Rather than programming multiple buttons on my joystick for each selection, I’d like to click one button to rotate the dial left and another one to turn it right. 

    Is this possible without using mouse macros or Linda?



  8. Hello Pete,

    Thank you for the quick response. I think you may be correct about the switches. There are 3 battery switches. Battery 1, battery 2, and master battery. I used the event long to see what happens when I click each switch. Battery 1 and 2 don’t produce anything in the event log, but master battery does. Not quite sure what that means. 

    Looking at some of the events in the log, one switch has 3 different entries. 

    If it is what you first suggested - does that mean the switch is turned on, but the graphic hasn’t changed? I will try that as well. 

    Also, I tried to use Shift+M to turn on the Master Battery, but that didn’t work either. 

    I may try to reach Carenado to see if they have any suggestions. 



  9. Good afternoon,

    I’ve been slowly working on assigning overhead switches to switches on my throttle quads. As I don’t have LINDA, I’ve been using the List Var command. 

    When I do this for both the Dornier 228 or B1900 by Carenado, I run into issues. I’m copying the command from the log created and placing it in a macro file. I then go back into FSX and FSUIPC. In this case, I’m using the Dornier and attempting to work one of the battery switches. This is what I have in the macro file:


    I use FSUIPC to tie the above macro command, but back in the sim the switch does not move. 

    I have used this process with other aircraft and have had no issues. Has any else had issues with Carenado planes?


    Colin Gray

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