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Mark Des

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Posts posted by Mark Des

  1. I created this LUA several years ago to mix separate left and right axis brake inputs (paraglider controls) into aileron, elevator, and rudder outputs to MSFS to simulate expected behavior of paraglider/paramotor models.  (MSFS standalone does not have the capability to simulate this.)  Parameter differential values can be adjusted accordingly to match various wing characteristics, if necessary.  This LUA will work with axis inputs from various controller types:  Analog slider pots, retractable wire pots, VR hand controls, etc.


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  2. As I mentioned, I'm not able to get flaps to work on this paraglider model I have.  Not having built a model in FSX myself, I have a question:  Do flaps have to be designated objects in the model in order to work or is there no association between it and the configuration file (other than the animation)?  I'm able to adjust flaps (detent position) in the Cessna model using a stepping function in LUA, but I'm not getting any effect in the paraglider model.  Another question:  Can flaps be adjusted with a  resolution of 0-16383 or do I have to convert to the resolution of the number of designated detents? 

    Got my question answered elsewhere.

    - Mark

  3. Pete, thanks for the direction.   As a newbie Lua programmer, I was able to hack together the code below.  I read the x and right joystick inputs, converted into usable aileron, rudder, and elevator values, and sent to FS.  This at least gives me different parameters I can use to tune and adjust both in the lua module and in the aircraft.cfg for real-world flight dynamics of a paraglider.  Note that I did try to make the flaps work but was not able to get the controls to function correctly :(

    -- Paraglider Controls v1.0

    -- FSX Lua Plug-In
    -- flyingndiving at yahoo.com
    -- Read x and y linear inputs of joystick, calculate corrected ailerons, elevator, and rudder, and write to FS
    -- loop forever
     while 1 do
    -- read x and y axis (joystick) inputs
     x_axis = ipc.axis(1, "X")
     y_axis = ipc.axis(1, "Y")
    -- convert x and y axis inputs into differential aileron_value
     aileron_value = (x_axis - y_axis) / 2
    -- convert x and y axis inputs into average elevator value
     ele_value = (-x_axis - y_axis) / 8
    -- convert x and y axis inputs into differential rudder value
     rudder_value = (x_axis - y_axis) / 2
    -- write aileron_value, ele_value, and rudder_value to FSX
     ipc.writeSW(0x0BB6, aileron_value)
     ipc.writeSW(0x0BB2, ele_value)
     ipc.writeSW(0x0BBA, rudder_value)
    -- display in FS Window
    -- end script
  4. Pete, thank you for taking time to answer my questions.  I'm just now learning about the usefulness of FSUIPC is for my application and appreciate your support.

    I was in err when I stated to "equalize" the inputs.  I meant to say that I want to determine a differential value based on left and right inputs.  For a paraglider (which, for all intent and purposes, has independently controlled ailerons), I'm looking to create a flight model which tries to simulate the flying characteristics given the limitations of FS.

    My intentions are as follows (just thinking off the top of my head at the moment):

    X=Left Brake=X Axis (Raw value 0-255)

    Y=Right Brake=Y Axis (Raw value 0-255)

    Z=127+Y/2-X/2 (which would be the aileron input value)

    Given this, no application of X or Y results in level flight, and simultaneous input of both X and Y inputs (left and right brake toggles applied equally) would result in level flight, even to the extent of both fully (full brakes, in paragliding lingo).

    Something else I would like to consider is to provide a slight input to flaps upon application of both brakes.  This would be a fractional value of the avg of the X and Y inputs, something like:

    F = 127 +(Y+X)/16

    Well, what do you think my next step should be?  Is this functionality something I would have to consider creating a Lua plug-in for?  If there is any additional thoughts from yourself or others on the forum, it would be duly appreciated.





  5. Hello -

    I'm looking for some assistance regarding the use of independent controls for a paraglider simulator using FSUIPC.  The controls for the paraglider model uses ailerons, and the ailerons use one control input.  I would like to use two inputs: one for the left brake toggle and one for right brake toggle.  However, I've run into a couple of issues and hope to get some input:

    1)  One of the two inputs will have to be reversed:  How could I go about doing this in FSUIPC?   I'm using retracting wire potentiometers so I can't reverse the hardware input.

    2)  Is there a way to equalize both inputs somehow?  What I find when I assign two inputs (using a simple joystick controller with two sticks) is that one will override the other.  Is there a way to provide an additive input if both inputs are "pulled in"?

    I appreciate any information you can share.  Thank you.

     - Mark

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