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  1. Hi Pete, Good question, Its somehow related to the schema.ini file.. This link explains a little bit more and gives the solution http://steamcommunity.com/app/314160/discussions/10/496880503066001167/ Regads Buzz887
  2. Hi Pete, I tested and when I opening FSX It gave me an error message in regards to RAASPRO, "schema file is missing". I have sourced a fix for this however.. so its up and running and working. All's well that ends well as they say.. Many thanks once again for your assistance. Buzz887
  3. Hi Pete & Thomas, Problem has been sorted as follows: I looked at your instructions again and decided to test FS2004. I copied the MakeRwys.exe file into the main folder showing the scenery.cfg (as instructed ), ran it and it worked. I went back and checked my fsx-se previous extraction and found the extraction process had made a folder MakeRwys in the FSX folder and extracted the MakeRwys.exe file to there incorrectly. As it cannot find a scenery.cfg file there it could not do its job. I copied MakeRwys.exe and created it in the FSX folder, ran it and it recognised the airports. I then deleted the MakeRwys folder created by the extraction process. I thank you for your assistance in this matter... I will now test if it works inside the game and update you with my findings. Regards Buzz887
  4. Hi Pete, Here is the text of the Runways.txt file: which is located and installed in the following folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\MakeRwys ========================================================================================= Make Runways File: Version 4.84 by Pete Dowson Reading FS9 SCENERY.CFG ... CFG file being used is: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\MakeRwys\scenery.cfg" ======================================================================================== For your info: I have both FSX-Se Edition installed on my computer @ C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX and also FS9/FS2004. @ C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9 When you say: 1 The registry is not showing the correct paths. (Does the above confirm the paths correctly as you feel they should be)? 2 The FSX.EXE file has been renamed, possibly to fool some install process which does not know it. (Both my versions are originials and not copies, I am using the FSX-SE edition however) From the above can you advise me on what of the following: Why does MakeRwy file want to read FS9 Scenery when its in the FSX folder correctly and has not been installed at all in the FS9 folder? What steps can I take to resolve the issue? Regards Buzz887
  5. Hi Thomas, As explained, i followed the instructions and therefore, yes I installed in the correct place. Buzz887
  6. Moved to Main Forum. Please ask questions always in Main Forum! Hi, I hope this is the correct forum for the MakeRwy. I have installed the file as directed however I receive the following error (please see attached file). Please accept my apologies if I have missed any information out. I am using FSX SE. Regards Buzz887
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