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Posts posted by heywoodp

  1. Hi Volker,

    Good news, I've managed to fix it. It was due, in part, to my old installation of FSC9. The real culprit was the Navigraph update engine. When first installed, this auto-searches for any software that it is relevant to. Of course it found my FSC9 installation in an directory called FSC. FSC10 Auto installs into a directory called FSC10. I had installed this in the directory called FSC ( Big Mistake !! ). I deleted both and started again with a fresh install of FSC10. I then had to update the path in the Navigraph manager. This is what fixed the problem.

    Anyway, all is now good and thank you for your efforts to help me.

    Regards  Paul Heywood


  2. Hi Volker, sorry for my abrupt approach. I'll try and give you everything you need

    I use FSX version given as 10.0.61637.0

    FSUIPC 4.972 and also Widefs

    I use FSC both on a network and standalone. The results are the same on both

    FSC Version is FSC10

    Navigraph is the airac provider and the cycle is 1802. Airac.ini is attached

    Its the Aerosoft downloaded version.

    My OS on the standalone system is Windows 7 and the networked version is XP

    I've attached the 'about' page where is shows the offending airac


    Thanks in advance  for your help

    Paul Heywood


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