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Posts posted by wiryantono

  1. I installed FScene4X USA Canada in FS9, and I just bought and installed FScene4X Asia in FS9 too. When I checked the files in Scenery\World\Textures, I found that the Asia files has overwriten the USA Canada Files, so where are the USA Canada Files ? gone? Why are those files not installed in the different folders ? How is actually the relation among the files for difference areas ? Thanks

  2. After installing FSUIPC 3.53 registered copy, I also found the aircraft was shaking up and down when running on the runway like running on bumpy surface. I run PMDG 747 on the runway and make it crash due to aircraft damage (above 80 knots), this will not happen if I turn on "ignore damage" option in the realism setting, but it will decrease the realistic level. With Level D 767, the shaking is still happen in same intensity but will not make it crash, I think because the difference in damage modelling between both add-on aircraft. What is the cause of this "bumpy runway" ? and how to solve this problem ? :x

  3. I experince flicker panel display after applying registered copy of FSUIPC 3.53 in order to get smoothing weather change which is created by FSMETAR. The flicker comes up in internal panel view but not exists in external view. I'd just identified this problem when flying Level D 767 add-on. How to solve this problem, is there any setting that I have to change ? it's very annoying. Thanks. :(

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