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Everything posted by motorella

  1. Hi Pete, thanks for fast reply. I've: fsui.dll, fsuipc install, fsuipc.dll and fsuipc.key, but i can't see fsuipc.log. I bought license in 2004 and i used it succesfully 'till 2016 in different fs 2004 installations, due to pc changes, formatting, etc. I have this computer now for free, it's a phenom II x4 955, so i i've installed fs2004 because processor is poor to run correctly FSX with add ons installed, meanwhile i'm buying hardware to make a new pc. After installation on this pc i installed some add ons too, and, when i ran ifly 737, a message in crt shown me a message that fsuipc key isn't correct, so i check fsuipc and i seen that copy is unregistered. After this, i tried some times to register again fsuipc through install, but nothing change :-(
  2. Hi Pete, thanks for reply. I'll do, just a question...fsuipc.log i can't found...do you mean fsuipc install?
  3. When i open, inside fs2004, fsuipc module, it says:"this copy is unregistered"
  4. I accurately check a lot of times my registrations data, and it's correct, my os is win 7 64, i copied data from my account in simmarket.com, so it was correct...
  5. Hi Thomas, yes, i installed that version
  6. Hi, i done a new installation of fs 2004, downloaded last version of fsuipc and install it, register it (i bought license on simmarket.com in 2004), but it appear to be unregistered, although in "modules" folder, there's a filecalled "fsuipc.key", and inside correct registration data. I tried to reinstall it and re registered more times, but unsuccesfully. Could you help me?
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