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  1. The only thing I found was a 3 year old LINDA module without any documentation at all.. Hopefully Majestic will bring their forum back again soon.
  2. Alright, thanks. So I guess I will have to wait until they get their forums back online again. Thanks for your help so far !
  3. Sorry, but is it confirmed that this also works with the Q400? When I'm trying to set up a macro, the window will recognize every single switch in the cockpit with a different identifier, but also most of them with Mouse Action Number 10, even though its clearly a simple left click button. There are some Number 10 buttons, but only rarely. They work fine though. Edit: The "TAB" Test doesnt work neither.
  4. Thanks a lot, I will have a look on it! 🙂
  5. Hi, just got FSUIPC5 and would like to know how I can assign buttons like the GA Button, TCS or the stopwatch of the clock. Is there any way to do this?
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