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    New Zealand

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  1. John do you know if the TEXT_TYPE_MENU has been fixed? Through the RC4 Rebuild Scenery DB function all the files needed seem to be created by makerunways.exe, a total of 16 files. I'll admit I'm short on knowledge on what it would further take, if possible at all, to make RC4 functional within MSFS. The ATC in MSFS is essentially useless. Harry
  2. I've always registered any version of FSUIPC that I use if for no other reason than to support your efforts. Thanks for the explanation re. Radar Contact.
  3. Is there a way to run Radar Contact in MSFS 2020 with a registered version of FSUIPC7? If so a bit of a how-to would be appreciated. Thanks, Harry
  4. Gidday, I apologize if this has been resolved and I haven't found it. Today I setup my system fresh with Win 10 1709, Prepar3D Professional Plus v4.2.21.24048, PMDG 747/777 and purchased FSUIPC 5.131. With FSUIPC installed whether unregistered or registered both planes load with no gauges or landing gear. If I remove the key, no change. If I remove FSUIPC completely everything works. Would appreciate any help.
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