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Posts posted by anbrod1

  1. Hey,

    Yes deleted the program after many attemps to open flight sim, with same result every time,craches.. So i tried to uninstall, and install agian, but now i could open my sim, but only with the free FSUIPC5.132, every time i try to install with Run as Administrator, it ask for my registration key, i copy from my Simmarket download, details ,same answer every time"Key is not valid"

    What is it i am missing here.???

    Thanks for your help .


  2. Hey, 


    thank you for the fast reply,

    if i understand you correctly, i should go into my download page, copy and paste the FSUIPC5.132c file folder, and paste it in myP3DV4/Modles folder where the FSUIPC5.132 file folder is as now. that is where the document for FSUIPC folder is, and some other simular stuff is??

    Will that do the trick??

    Thanks agian for your help!


  3. Moved to Main Forum. Please ask questions related direct to FSUIPC always in Main Forum.

    Have the paid version of FSUIPC5, the newly downloaded, have just got myself a new Hotas Warthog, throttel/joystick, and have open my P3DV4,2 and in the process of trying to map the hardware, after 2 hours with no issuse ,my sim crashed!  In the event viewer, the error report say FSUIPC5 application error. I can not open my flightsim anymore, after this fault has accored!! With a littel research, i understand that i have to download FSUIPC5 132c version, done that,and have unzipped it , but that is where my skills end!, how do i overwrite the exciting file???? Maybe i have got it totally wrong, but i very much hope you can help me out here!!!

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