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  1. Hi Thomas, Many thanks for identifying the problem. I'm no fsuipc ini expert, but that ini file just looks a complete mess. Under [joynames], it has assigned 0 to the throttle, 1 to the stck and 2 to the pedals - fair enough. However under the individual [Axes] things appear to be assigned all over the place including 'LeftBrake' to the throttle! Can I get FSUIPC to rebuild the ini file from scratch? Failing that, something like the example below would appear to make more sense. 0=0X,256,F,65765,0,0,0 -{ TO SIM: AXIS_THROTTLE_SET }- 1=0Y,256,F,65765,0,0,0 -{ TO SIM: AXIS_THROTTLE_SET }- 2=1X,256,D,1,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Aileron }- 3=1Y,367,D,2,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Elevator }- 4=1R,5219,D,1,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: Aileron }- 5=2X,384,D,7,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: LeftBrake }- 6=2Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 -{ DIRECT: RightBrake }- 7=2Z,256,F,65764,0,0,0 -{ TO SIM: AXIS_RUDDER_SET }- I'm not sure when to use {DIRECT} and when to use (TO SIM}. Your thoughts? Regards, Peter
  2. Hi Pete, Thanks for your reply. The ini file is atached. Peter FSUIPC5.ini
  3. Hi Thomas, Thanks for your reply, but I have already ensured that the 'Controllers were Disabled' in P3D. Peter
  4. I'm running P3d V4.3 along with FSUIPC 5.132 which is registered. I'm running it in Win 10 64 bit. Everything was running fine until I installed the A2A Spitfire. Prior to that I was running the FSLabs A320 and the A2A C172 with out problem. But now when I advance the throttle, it causes the left brake to activate. My controller is a Saitek X55. In 'Axis Assignment' everything checks out OK, so when I move the throttle, 'Throttle' comes up along with 'Send Direct to FSUIPC Calibration. The same with Left Brake and Right Brake. But in 'Joystick calibration' (2 of 11) when I advance the throttle, numbers start to appear in the Left Brake section. Typically, now when I advance the throttles in the A320, it move forward, but turns to the left! I've double checked any conflicts. The Saitek control software has no control entries. Similarly the are no axis controls in P3D - all the axis controls are run through FSUIPC. Help!! Pegards, Peter
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