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Posts posted by sirnoname

  1. Yes, i am very happy to meet someone like u, which

    offers many time for this great work.

    The pause indicators, crash indicators and "ready to fly" indicators

    are very usefull to stop my motion simulator.

    Also we could splitt the signals from ground to inflight via ground flag.

    So we are able to use maximum realism sliders full right and minimize

    movement on the runnway.

    Best regards,


  2. Hi,

    of course i first looked at the ingame onscreen logging before

    i wrote this text, but I forgot to write :)

    Also I dont told u that i am using FS2000.

    There are two values that (i think so) are not correct.

    First the "Attitude Indicator bank" (pitch is ok, bank is same as pitch in FS2000).

    The second is the "Turn Coordinator Ball" Offset 036E.

    The TCB will show me Zero in FS2000 and the right working value in FS2004.

    The Turn Rate works excellent in both games.

    I will try to get the english version. Perhaps it is an language problem.

    U know: there are also two different patches available.

    beste reards,


  3. Hi,

    i tried the Attitude Indicator values with MFC:

    double pitch;
    double bank;
    // Retrieve Attitude Indicator pitch
    FSConnection.ReadAndProcess(0x2F70, 8, &pitch);
    int data1=pitch;
    // Retrieve Attitude Indicator bank
    FSConnection.ReadAndProcess(0x2F78, 8, &bank);
    int data2=bank;

    Both of them show me the pitch values. Is there something wrong ?

    best regards,


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