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Posts posted by TanteJu

  1. Hallo,

    I am new here and i am not english-speaking man!  I did already write a question, but nobody did answer.  Is it not okay to write here in german? I am very disappointed. Now,- try to write in english,but sorry for my bad english !!!   I have the FSC Vers. 10.0, the newest and FSX normal. I am not able to make a flightplan, altough I read the manual and did see some youtube tutorials,- one is even in german! There is no tutorial that describes it in a STEP by STEP manner, inclusiv SID and STAR. I think especially sid and star is the most important thing to buy an special Flightplaner,because else I could to do flihtplanning by the default FSX-Flightplaner !!

    My question is although: How I have to connect any flightplan of the FSC  TO FSX ??  In that way that I can find the plan  INSIDE the default FSX !!   In case, it should not be possible to put it inside the default FSX-Flightplan,- so where I can find the FSC-fhlightplan to make it work in FSX ,- that should be the aim, or not?

    The other thing is as above I mentioned: How do I insert sid and star s into the flightplan and connect them to the airport?

    Besides: I have installed the newest FUIPC and I have Win 7, 64bit and is  installed on Partitur D

    So, I hope there are not to much questions, but I would be very glad if some body  would help me,- and please, if it is possible in an easy english, so I am able to understand you!

    Thank you very much!



  2. Guten TaG;

    ich versuche einen Flugplan herzustellen,- ich habe die neueste Version 10.0, aber selbst nach dem deutschen Manual hatte ich ziemliche Schwierigkeiten, vielleicht ist das Manual noch für die älteren Versionen? - Jedenfalls klappte es nicht, den Flugplan in den FSX zu bekommen, also ihn zu koppeln. Oben in der Leiste "GPS" und dann erschien eine Meldung: Msg no process response. Was nun?

    Wie kriege ich überhaupt den Flugplan in den FSx, so das ich in unter Flugplan-Laden aufrufen kann? Denn unter Speichern und Kreuzchen beim FSX erschien er im FSX-Flugplan nicht.

    über eine Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen

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