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Tomas Mateus

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Posts posted by Tomas Mateus

  1. Hello!

    E-Jets working fine, then all of a sudden, I go to do one flight, fill in the FPL, give the acft active position and then go to fill in the PERF INIT page, once you set all the data and the ZFW, the "CONFIRM INIT" LSK options becomes white and clickable. When I click it, P3D stops responding completely with a windows "is not responding" thing and never closes. Can't see anything on Event Viewer since it was not a crash... What can I do about this?

    It does this on all flights and all variants of the E-Jets. E175 and 195.

    Here is the page: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tbb2n4FGgYk19cY6UhHhgMRgivqfTHfI/view?usp=sharing


  2. So! As a previous costumer of the E-Jets for FSX I bought this product a while ago. Recently, 100% of my flights in it result in a CTD, always about 10 minutes into the flight. Sim just freezes for about a second and closes down with nothing ot present on the Event Viewer. I did reinstall the E-Jets and ended up with exactly the same problem.

    I need help!



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