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Everything posted by OwenM

  1. I have been given a Precission Flight Controls complete systems and after adding the Serial Dll it is mostly all going I am not sure if you can remember back that far ago but in the serial configuration the front left Yoke Button is assigned to Autopilot off and and is greyed out. If I play with the Ini file is it possibe to remove the greyed out so I can assign it to something else. I know this is very old software so dont worry if you cant remember. Owen
  2. Last question on this topic I promise I have been able to force an Alt Enter from Lua but have struggled with forcing a Shift1 to shift8 from Lua. I have looked at all lua documentation trying to find the value of "Shifts portion of ipc.Keypress to no avail. At the moment I am saving my flights with all the windowed panels displayed then use my lua script to place them and move into fullscreen mode. Thought it would be nice to have Flight start with aircraft on runway then display panels , move them and then move to fullscreen all with my Lua script. Displaying them with Lua has beaten me Thanks Owen Moore
  3. That makes total sense to remove it from future versions. I have my panel placement all working perfectly and with the addition of a sleep (5000) the Keypress function to force an Alt Enter it is a very tidy way to display all the panels across 3 screens. Thanks for your help Owen Moore
  4. you guys are awesome Thank you Owen
  5. I found the stuff about undock click on the six replies its in there Owen
  6. I found that in a forum somewhere but couldnt find it again at the moment. I have it all working pretty nicely now using undocked panels then a lua script to place them then ALT Enter and its all good. I did ask if you knew of a way to send the Alt Enter command with IPC.keypress Thanks Owen
  7. Report post Posted November 15, 2011 The Lua ext library, added in the most recent update (4.747) can position and size UNDOCKED panel windows on specific monitors. So you could do it by saving flights with the panel windows undocked (they come back that way too), and having Lua scripts running via aircraft- or profile-specific [Auto] sections which then move the undocked windows around (identified by title). You need also to download the Lua library package (again), for the updated documentation. I've not found a way (yet) of operating the 'dock' and 'undock' options on panels by program, but I am working on it. I think it should work via a WM_COMMAND message, as that's normally how pop-up menus operate, so I'm experimenting down that route. [LATER] Your inquiry spurred me on. I've found out how to Undock a specific docked but visible panel window, as long as you know its name (title). So I'll be adding an ipc.undock function in the next update. (No "dock" or "re-dock" though -- can't find how to do thast. But I doubt that's so important). I found this in a earlier post Peter is that Possible and if so what is the syntax to undock say the GPS window i tried ipc.undock("GPS") but that didn't work and I cant find it anywhere in the Lua documentation. I have found that if I save the flight with all the windows undocked then run the lua script to place them that works but I thing an undock command would be tidier. and lastly can I then force an "ALT Enter" from my Lua script Thanks for all your help Owen Thanks for all the help guys
  8. Thanks Roman. I will try a bit harder. I agree FSUIPC is a great tool and once you get the hang of Lua it is amazing what you can do Owen
  9. Thanks, Thats what I have been trying to do and have been playing with the same type of Lua. I have been setting up a flight then putting all the panels eg gps , Radio etc back onto my primary screen before saving so when I reload the flight They are all sitting there and I have been pressing a key that runs a lua script that is similarto your script to try to put them back to the correct screens but no luck. I presume the Name "GPS /Radio" is exactly the same as the name on the View Instrument Panel Menu and the screen No is the number generated when you use identify from the windows display menu. Owen
  10. Yes I do have them as one big screen using NVidia surround and I do Save the flight with them all set up nicely on the 3 screens but when you reload the saved flight the panels are all displayed on top of the virtual cockpit -00 screen and you need to drag them out to the individual monitors and it look confusing when it starts up so I tend to save the flight without them all displayed then display them 1 at a time and put them where they belong.. I have read somewhere that FSX doesnt save panel positions so maybe I will have to keep doing it my way. Thanks anyway Owen Moore
  11. Hi all. I am just wondering if anyone has an answer to my question How do I get all my Panels to appear in the correct place on my multi screen setup. Currently I use Shift 3,4,5,6,7,8 to display all the panels on the main screen then drag them off to to the correct screens and this is a bit tedious. I have tried many ways to automate it but all without success. I have modified and used Pete's "Tile Six" Lua script and I have played around with some mouse macro software but again with limited success. Does anybody have any ideas or have any of you managed to do it successfully. Thanks in advance Owen Moore
  12. Thanks Roman Your Code worked just fine and is a lot better way for sure Thanks again Owen
  13. Hi all I have a RAAF MRTT kC-30 Tanker sim that does all the normal tanker things like extend Hoses and extend boom. I have been playing round with capturing the LVar data (when it changes) for the hose extension and boom extension and writing the data to Offset 66C0 and 66C2 where I an read it with my Delphi app that runs my annunciator. These scripts are all in the Auto section of FSUIPC.ini I made a Lua script that I thought should work but it doesnt . There is no error message in FSUIPC log OLD_MRTTPOD = 0 OLD_MRTTBOOM = 0 while 1 do MRTTPOD = ipc.readLvar("L:MRTTPOd") MRTTBoom = ipc.readLvar("L:MRTTBoom") if MRTTPOD ~= OLD_MRTTPOD then ipc.writeSW(0X66C0, MRTTPod) OLD_MRTTPOD = MRTTPOD end if MRTTBOOM ~= OLD_MRTTBOOM then ipc.writeSW(0X66C2, MRTTBoom) OLD_MRTTBOOM = MRTTBOOM end -- DELAY ipc.sleep(100) end however if I break it down to two individual scripts as follows they both work perfectly OLD_MRTTBOOM = 0 while 1 do MRTTBoom = ipc.readLvar("L:MRTTBoom") if MRTTBoom ~= OLD_MRTTBoom then ipc.writeSW(0X66C2, MRTTBoom) OLD_MRTTBOOM = MRTTBOOM end -- DELAY ipc.sleep(100) end and the Pod script OLD_MRTTPOD = 0 while 1 do MRTTPOD = ipc.readLvar("L:MRTTPOd") if MRTTPOD ~= OLD_MRTTPOD then ipc.writeSW(0X66C0, MRTTPOD) OLD_MRTTPOD = MRTTPOD end -- DELAY ipc.sleep(100) end I thought it would be tidier to have them in one script but after hours of tinkering I have had to resort to using the two scripts. Just wondering if anyone can point out my error in the first script Thanks heaps Owen Moore
  14. Thanks very much Owen
  15. Hi team . Is there anyway to extract the Departure and destination airport info from the FSX data using an offset or or Control. It shows in my GPS as YPPH Perth and YBBN Brisbane but I can not find any way to extract that so it can be displayed on another program Thanks Owen Moore
  16. Hi Peter I have been having some issues with FSUIPC 4.974 and FSX crashing on exit and it seems to be to do with a Lua script. I have researched on your page and find that there were issues with that a few years back and it seems there was a version 4.985g built that seemed to get around this problem I have just downloaded the latest version I believe from your web page but I think it is 4.974 as well Can you please clarify for me which is the latest version and where it can be downloaded from Thanks Owen Moore
  17. Thank you. You get focused on something and then not see the wood for the trees. Its all working now . So thank you again
  18. Hi to you both I have been writing some software using Delphi ( I now that is not something you are familiar with ) and I have it mostly working. Using wideclient I am able to access all sorts of the data by referencing the offsets. I have Air Speeds and Navigation Data all coming across nicely. My question is this. The data under Offset 3130, 313C, 3148 and 3160 is causing me trouble as I can not figure out what data type it is. I would have thought it must have been a string format But I cant make that work. I realise this is a bit of a weird question but If I can figure out what it is I can convert it to string. Cheers Keep up the good work Your Wideclient system is great. Owen
  19. Thank you for all your help. i have now got my switches all working with ideas from your code examples. Instead off togglebit I used set and clear bit for better control. If I may ask another couple of questions I now understand how to work with the switches but I also have a park brake switch and can not figure out how to write to offset 0BC8 as it seems to take a value from 0 to 32767 when all I really want is on or off. I note in the offset pdf there is a field for size but how does that relate to the following UB unsigned 8-bit byte UW unsigned 16-bit word UD unsigned 32-bit dword SB signed 8-bit byte SW signed 16-bit word SD signed 32-bit dword DD signed 64-bit value DBL 64-bit double floating point FLT 32-bit single floating point STR string of ASCII characters (in this case the preceding number, n, gives the length not a repeat count) I am sure there is a correlation to these two and I note that 0D0C has a size of 2 and that we used sw in the lights example Again thanks for your help Owen
  20. Yes they are recognized as normal buttons but I haven't been able to find where in FSUIPC to assign TOGGLE_TAXI_LIGHTS, LANDING_LIGHTS_TOGGLE). Thanks Owen
  21. Spokes2112 you are awesome. That is exactly what I was trying to achieve Thank you very much
  22. I have built an overhead panel for my sim that has some switches for example Taxi Lights and Landing Lights. Although I have used Lua before I have spent hours on trying to get these switches to work. I know that the light switch data is held in 0x0D0C offset but I can not figure out how to extract the individual bits to allow me to modify them and then write them back to the offset. I think it involves some logic.and command but its all beyond me unfortunately. Or am I on the wrong track altogether and is there an easier way. Could anyone please help with a little sample code that reads offset extracts bit 3 , if its off turn it on and vice versa and write it back to 0x0D0C. I have read all the stuff that comes with FSUIPC but to no avail Thanks heaps Owen Moore
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