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About pdpo

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Ok Pete, thanks for the answer, currently i am using the wnd.text facility, easier to follow what happens then with the ipc.log as i have to open the logfile and then refresh it to see the latest updates. Thanks Greetz Peter
  2. Hey Pete, just to let you know that you nailed it. The 4th parameter in the string.find to true and voila the find was successfull I also played around with the string functions and got it working much better. Just one question, my program starts as soon as wideclient connects to FS. But how can I tell that this LUA script needs to run with debugging on. I also copied the ipcDebug.lua to my directory but didnt see any diff. Ones the program is ready I will release it here too, it might be usefull for other people. It will start and stop different programs based on the plane that you put in FS. Example : when I start FS with my airbus it will start the programs from project magenta. then when I change to the cessna, it will stop the project magenta and start analogue instruments then when i put the beech baron it will stop the cessna instruments and start instruments for the beechcraft baron... and so on... Greetz Peter
  3. OK, thats a real pitty as you are my only aid line concerning this. I'll see if I can find out how to do the LUA debugging! Never used that. Anyway, for your info : I defined : plane_ident = {} (LUA table object) plane_ident[1] = "Piper OO-VMC" plane_ident[2] = "" plane_ident[3] = "" and so on when you do for i,v in ipairs(plane_ident) do ... end then you get a loop over all the elements in the plane_ident array and on each iteration the value for i is the index in the array (from 1 to 3) and the v get the value of the array element (first "Piper OO-VMC" then "" then "") the problem is mostly the string function. I was expecting if I do string.find("Piper OO-VMC", "Piper OO-VMC") I would get a match but I dont where the first "Piper OO-VMC" string is coming out of the above array and the second one is build up from two fsuipc offsets Anyway i'll continue my search further Thanks Peter
  4. Hi Peter, another string trouble I encounter and cant find a solution I explain : i made an array with 9 strings called plane_ident, the first string is "Piper OO-VMC" the rest is "" with ipairs i loop through these 9 strings and I compare the string with a string that I builded up as follows : tail_number = string.sub(ipc.readSTR(0x313C,12),1,6) plane_type = string.sub(ipc.readSTR(0x3160,24),1,5) ident_string = plane_type .. " " .. tail_number the compare I do the following way for i,v in ipairs(plane_ident) do if (string.find(ident_string,v) ~= nil ) then plane_idx = plane_ty end the ident_string is coming from FS and is currently "Piper OO-VMC" but the string.find always returns nil except when I change the string in the array to "Piper OO-" then it works when I change the string in the array to VMC it works too, even OO-VMC works to and it looks like it starts not to work when the string becomes more then 9 chars. Any idea?
  5. it worked... thanks a lot
  6. Hi Peter, i'll try it, thanks a lot. Peter Depoortere
  7. Hi all, i havent gotten much expertise with lua and I am trying to make s small script. I read the flight number, airline string, tail number, and so on (ofsets 3130 and further) and display them on a widefs connected computer with the display.show functionality. So far so good. On the display I see the following for a variable (plane_type) I have defined in the script : Piper But when I add a line in the script like this : if (plane_type == "Piper") then ... end i dont enter the code between the 'then' and 'end'. It seems that somehow the if never returns true. Any idea? Oh, the plane_type is filled in by : plane_type = ipc.readSTR(0x3160,24) Thanks a lot, Peter Depoortere
  8. Hi Peter, I am trying to debug something in my setup. I need to know which program is writing on a certain offset. When I enter in the wideclient.ini the monitor part i can see in the logging each program gets an ID and then in the logging of the access to the offset I can see which program is accessing that offset. However, none of the programs are accessing (write) the offset I am observing. On my FS PC I have also 2 programs running (next to FS) which need to be observed but in the logfile of the fsuipc i caanot see which program is accessing, just the value of the offset? Is there any other way of knowing which program accesses a certain offset? Thanks Peter
  9. Hi Peter, indeed... it was a long time I did not look at the forum... havent noticed this... will try out if this can help me.... greetings peter
  10. Hi Peter, I know it has been a long time since september ... did you give this already a thought? Greetings Peter Depoortere
  11. Hi Pete, you were reading my mind just now, I was going to post : could you change the title as this one doesnt really show about what it contains anymore. Greetz Peter
  12. Peter, I am using FS2004 on a good computer but the facitilies I was trying to get should be available for connected PCs via wideclient. All instruments are running on remote computers with their respective screens. Thanks, I'll trigger you again in spetempber....enjoy the vacation.... Greetings Peter Depoortere Belgium
  13. @AndyDigital, that was the post I was looking for... you see i had it posted but it disappeared for some reason.... Hi Pete, well, I think you got the idea of what I like to acomplish. I have not worked with aircraft specifics in FSUIPC as I use SIOC scripting to do all of my stuff and that script reads on an offset the tail number of the plane and deducts a plane-numbers from it. That plane number is then used to let the script do different things. You are better placed to know where in your code this could be added. Of course LUA might be ideally as this poses a lot of flexibility. Ideally programs spawned by a logic could be stopped when the logic returns false or when LUA stops. In my case it would be nice to have programs started when an fsuipc offset (plane type) has a certain value and to stop the programs when the offset changes and load another set. Pete, enjoy your vacation.... dont think about this... this is an idea...for future improvements... When september is there and you decide to work on fsuipc then you can think about this. Greetings Peter Depoortere Belgium
  14. Well, I just repost what I posted before. Maybe something went wrong with the post. I have been searching for it for while and cant seem to find it. I was afraid the topic was deleted for some obscure reason. Anyway, the following is the post again : (maybe a little shorter then the previous : I have 2 things which would my life (cockpitbuilding life) a little easier. As I cannot add features to fsuipc i need to rely on your kindness to add something. I have 2 things that would be nice to have and they are related : 1) would it be possible to have an extra parameter in the RunReady line which specifies an fsuipc offset, length and value. If that offset have the value as expected then the runReady is executed otherwise it is skipped. Use : I would like to use this feature so I tell fsuipc/widefs to start different programs depending on the type of plane that is loaded in FS 2) a result of point 1 is that we would need much more entries for runready. Now we have only 9 but in order to build some sequences of programs which need to be loaded depending on an offset we would need more then 9 but 64 (or 128) Thanks a lot Peter to read this post, thanks a millon if you could implement this. Greetings Peter Depoortere Belgium
  15. Hi peter I have posted two days ago a big post with some 2 improvement suggestions. I have checked the day after if there was any answer, there wasnt today I want to look again and the complete topic is gone. Any idea what is happening here?? Greetz Peter
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