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About CanSarac

  • Birthday 02/11/1991

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  1. I noted down (literally) and will check that but the main thing here is using not the buttons but using mouse wheel or directly Flight stick itself for trimming :)) Thanks anyway I'm going to look into that too.
  2. Hello everyone, Firstly, I'm kinda new here and might have miscalculated the place I'm posting, sorry if I did that. I'm mostly fly VFR and fly by hand, not via AP so I had to trim a lot. So I'm in a need for an easy way to trim. FS's trimming keys are either too harsh or toooo slow for me. FSUIPC have a mouse trim option and I loved that but that's always on and I can't use the mouse wheel to adjust bearings, altimeter calibration or Com's etc. Is there a way to activate FSUIPC's mouse trim option momentarily on with a button like ctrl or any other button on keyboard? I'm using a Logitech G903 mouse so I can literally bind any button to my mouse buttons. Also there was a addon I was using before my migration to p3d but I can't use it now because it's 32-bit. It's called Realtrim and was an ultimate way to trim. I wonder from here with programming skills could adapt that to p3dv4? Link to that is; https://github.com/nmeier/fscode Thanks! Fly safe ^^
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