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Everything posted by ZldvX

  1. Hi Thomas, Good news, its all worked out. what i need to do is close my logitech gaming software (because it run lua script in background too, i dont know why but it somehow wont work if i leave LGS open) and Assign the LUAvalue to button 3. Thank you so much for taking your time to guide me through this 😄 Again, Thank You So Much !
  2. Hi, Thank you thomas the script work, The button does work, i can change from aileron to rudder and vice versa but im unable to change the control inside the sim, what i have to do is open the fsuipc menu, press the button, and come back to sim, and the control changed. do you by chance know why is that? is that a bug or theres something wrong with my fsuipc setting or something ? Or theres something wrong with the ipcReady ? i load the RudTilSW from ipcReady (I deleted the [Auto] in fsuipc ini) Heres my ipcReady log ********* LUA: "ipcReady" Log [from FSUIPC version 5.151] ********* 3850250 System time = 07/08/2019 08:20:35, Simulator time = 14:00:08 (19:00Z) 3850250 LUA: beginning "F:\Lockheed Martin Prepar3D v4\Modules\ipcReady.lua" 3850250 LUA: F:\Lockheed Martin Prepar3D v4\Modules\ipcReady.lua:1 3850250 LUA: Global: ipcPARAM = 0 3850359 >>> Thread forced exit (ipc.exit or os.exit) <<< 3850359 System time = 07/08/2019 08:20:35, Simulator time = 14:00:08 (19:00Z) ********* LUA execution terminated: Log Closed ********* Thank You.
  3. Here it is. The axis is fine, when i move the X axis the rudder does move, the only problem is that i cant switch it to alieron. Thanks Log.rar
  4. Hi thomas, here i updated the setting. the problem is the button to change to Alieron or vice versa is not responding when i press it. Is there any chance to change the button to keyboard button instead ? Thanks.
  5. Hi, Here is both the .ini and log file. *i reupload the files, because i attached an old log. log.rar
  6. Hi Thomas, Thanks again, really appreciate it, but seems like doesnt work, when i press my button on my joystick , nothing happend (The joynumber and button number is the same), and also i tried to change instead "Rudder To Tiller" to "Rudder to Aileron" because that what i try to achieve (its a typo when i said rudder to tiller, Sorry 😄 ) by change the ipc.control value. here i attached my edited script, Really hope you can help me to see what the matter. Sorry to bother you. Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------- -- Lua plug-in for Rudder / Tiller switch -- ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- -- if 'AutoAssignLetters=Yes' is used then 'joyNumber' is a letter between asterix -- else it is the number without asterix -- 'btnNumber' is Button number shown in FSUIPC -- FS Controls joyNumber = "A" btnNumber = 1 -- create Button mask btnMask = 2^btnNumber btnPressed = 0 toggleBtn = 0 -- Rudder out value rudOut = 0 tilOut = 0 setZero = 1 while 1 do ipc.sleep(20) if (logic.And(ipc.buttons(joyNumber), btnMask) == 1) then btnPressed = btnPressed + 1 if (btnPressed == 1 and toggleBtn == 0) then toggleBtn = 1 setZero = 0 ipc.writeSTR(0x3380, "TILLER CONTROL\0") ipc.writeSW(0x32FA, 4) elseif (btnPressed == 1 and toggleBtn == 1) then toggleBtn = 0 setZero = 0 ipc.writeSTR(0x3380, "RUDDER CONTROL\0") ipc.writeSW(0x32FA, 4) end if btnPressed > 25 then btnPressed = 25 end else if btnPressed > 0 then btnPressed = btnPressed - 1 end end -- read aileron axis from FS axisSW = ipcPARAM -- write to rudder depending of selection if toggleBtn == 1 then -- write TILLER diffT = (axisSW - tilOut) / 5 tilOut = tilOut + diffT ipc.control(65695, tilOut) if setZero == 0 then setZero = 1 rudOut = 0 ipc.control(65764, 0) ipc.log("RUD nCTR") end else -- write RUDDER diffR = (axisSW - rudOut) / 5 rudOut = rudOut + diffR ipc.control(65764, rudOut) if setZero == 0 then setZero = 1 tilOut = 0 ipc.control(65695, 0) ipc.log("TIL nCTR") end end end --Aileron 65695 --Steering 66818 --Rudder 65764 RudTilSW.lua
  7. Hi Thomas, Thanks again, i appreciate it, but somehow your script wont work with FSLabs A3xx , any other aircraft is fine. I tried to edit the script but its too confusing, basically what i tried to do is this : If "A button" is pressed, use X axis as Rudder, if "A button" is pressed again, use X axis as Steering. im relatively new to LUA programming, do you think you can help me achieve it ? Thanks
  8. Hi Thomas, Thank you for your reply, but in what part i cant get the "joyNumber", "joyAxis", and the "btnNumber" ? is it in the FSUIPC application or in the .ini files ? im sorry for such a noob question 😄 Thanks
  9. Hi pete, Thanks for your answer, unfortunately i dont know how to write a program in LUA. Can you guide me which doumentation is relevant for my goals? Thanks.
  10. Hi, So, my rudder is broken and now im a liltle short on money, so i have a joystick (CH Flightstick PRO) that only has 2 axis, X and Z. I Assign my Z axis as my Elevator, and X axis as my Aleiron. Some addon , lets say FSLab a3xx and BBS require steering/rudder to move on ground, i tried with auto rudder setting within the simulation but no luck with those 2 add on, is there any way to make the X axis as Rudder in ground and as Aleiron in Sky ?. What i've tried to do : Asign both Aleiron and Rudder/Steering to the X axis in FSUIPC, but when on final the aircraft becomes unstable. What i wanted to do : Change the X axis from aleiron to rudder/steering vice versa with a toogle of a button. Thanks.
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