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Oscar Sierra

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Everything posted by Oscar Sierra

  1. Pete, I reinstalled the PMDG plane and thereafter my revised Panel.cfg and now it Works again. Very sorry troubling you in vain. Something only happened at the same time as I installed your programs. Excelent Service from you anyway!
  2. Pete, I reinstalled the PMDG plane and thereafter my revised Panel.cfg and now it Works again. Very sorry troubling you in vain. Something only happened at the same time as I installed your programs. Excelent Service from you anyway! OS
  3. I Still send the log-file, if you really have time to help me. You observation about the simulator version is amazing, because I removed the old FSX (CD-version) about a year ago (at least to my knowledge). PMDG plane has worked about 5 years with my added throttle file first with old FSX (Gold version) and now (at least seemengly) with SE. Now I ordered a Honeycomb yoke to replace my joystick and are planning to install a tiller to control nosewheel and get reveses working in the natural way.. I also liked the possibility to syncronize klock with Computer time. To get the log-file resized to allowed uplode size I removed some general lines from the beginning and end and the joystick lines. Your's OS
  4. Thanks Pete for exceptional quick answer - and sorry for using wrong forum! I probably got the answer allready, if your programs do not handle the FSX-Windows at all. My next suspect is continous FSX-SE updates, which can come every day. But I nevertheless include the init file from steam\steamapps\common\fsx\moduls Thanks very much OS FSUIPC4.ini
  5. Please use always the Main Forum in relation to FSUIPC. Announcements is not a good place for sure. Moved to Main Forum. As I installed PETE DOWSON - FSUIPC4 (2068) with WIDEFS and registered it my throttle window became invisible (from FSX views). Originally I added the window from older FSX B737 because PMDG has none in 2D version. I use 2D setup with 6 displays succesfully already for several years. The throttle system is needed to monitor autothrottle and use flaps and spoilers and handbrake. How to get it visible again?
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