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  1. FSUIPC5.ini Please post questions in relation to FSUIPC always in Main Forum and not in a Sub Forum as it might not been seen to answer. Good evening As many before have indicated I am reluctant to post this inquiry as I am sure that somewhere an answer has been posted but unfortunately despite having read through articles and the FSUIPC manual I cannot solve the problem which is briefly described above and I am not sure to whom I should refer this matter. Currently, I have the following set up: FSUIPC 5.153 P3DV4.5 PMDG 737-800 NGXu (Only aircraft I have flown since it was launched and prior to that the 737-800 NGX) CH PRODUCTS i.e Yoke, Throttle Quadrant and Pro Pedals all of which have been disabled in P3DV4 Settings. I have managed to set up most of the axes to represent spoilers, flaps, throttle but have had to assign buttons to use for reverse thrust, parking brake gear and one or two other functions. I have used this hardware for some 15 years and it has served me well but it is quite possible that it IS well past its "sell by date" at this stage which might be part of the reason for the current un-commanded issue. This hardware will be replaced by MFG Crosswind Rudder Pedals and Honeycomb Yoke. I am considering the Saitek TQ but still need to find out if that is compatible with the new hardware. NAVIGRAPH CHARTS ACTIVE SKY SIMBRIEF CHASEPLANE PROATC-X Other hardware includes a powered USB 3.0 which is used to connect the CH Products controllers to the PC so perhaps with our "dirty" electricity and numerous spikes and dips this has caused issues with the axis values leading to instability. Having said that the problem is as follows: For testing purposes, I commence the start up procedures on the active runway and set the 737-800 up for a straight out departure using speed, heading and altitude and engaging auto pilot at about 1'000 feet. However the problem occurs during the take-off roll. Throttle is initially set to about 40% and auto throttle is engaged and brakes released simultaneously. Initially directional control is maintained by carefully applying left or right rudder and light application of left or right brake (not ideal). That seems to work until aircraft approaches between 45 and 60 knots when it suddenly veers sharply to the left or right depending on the last application of rudder input. Recovery is a matter of a violent counter rudder input which does not seemingly have much impact as well as application of opposite brake which seems to work but inhibits aircraft's airspeed quite severely to the extent that in normal circumstances takeoff should be aborted. In addition to the uncontrolled yaw there is also an element of pitch deviation which is disconcerting. Notwithstanding best practice to abort, I have managed to take off purely to see what happens on landing and whilst there is also an uncontrolled deviation it is not as severe as during take off. Taxing at 10 knots or less is controllable but the nose wheel tends to "wander" left to right although not significantly so.
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