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Patrick Fürll

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Posts posted by Patrick Fürll

  1. 5 hours ago, Zatris said:

     I have same problem. if I give a command am example DLH 1418 runway 18 via N5 L don't working, but if I give DLH 1418 continue taxi then that plane start move to runway 

    Hallo Zatris,

    i will use your methode. I hope the will helps.

  2. Good day,

    i have a problem with DLH Planes when they would pushback and after the taxi clearence they don´t move anymore. I have reportet the problem first in the dicussion from Steam. At this seasson is Lufthansa Flight 1418 this problem, but this problem is only when a plane start from the position who you can see at the pictures.

    Thanks for your help. (Sorry for my bad english).

    Patrick Fürll

    Problem with DLH 1418 (1).jpg

    Problem with DLH 1418 (2).jpg

    Problem with DLH 1418 (3).jpg

    Problem with DLH 1418 (4).jpg


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