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  1. Hey, i have another question and will appropriate at this topic... I noticed that i am not able to get light in my VC i have the spotlights from fslabs and till now i can't get any light in my VC...
  2. Hey all, im new in the feelthere planes, i have been reading the manual for ejets, and found in page 62 the "emb configuration utility" but i didn't find in my computer, any tip to configure and start at cold and dark the bird?
  3. Roger, thanks Captain!
  4. Captain, i don't found an exactly issue in this post related to fuel capacity thanks
  5. Roger, thanks!
  6. Yes, i am using Navigraph, but not the installer program, i am downloading the "wilco" airac and installing in p3d/feelthere/nd, and the fuel i don't found in the configuration program a fuel page, neither in p3d, i am adjusting fuel in the proper p3d page "fuel and payload"
  7. Hey, i am struggling to update to the latest airac on emb 195 v3, also i am noticing that the fuel tanks can only load a total of 4.666t on each that gaves me 9.3 tons at final, but in real life and manual aren't that, i am refueling wrong, or this is a bug, and on which folder i put the new files for airac update thanks
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