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Posts posted by Patrick_Waugh

  1. Ah thx Peter.

    For some reason, in my rush I had forgotten to extract the programmers guide you wrote and put it in my docs directory of my project where I would see it.

    You have rather complete docs, so I'm sure that will answer my question.

    Lately, I have just been in way too much of a hurry and I need to spend some quality RTFM time ;)

    So, now I have a design delima. I want my users to be able to assign keypresses and joystick buttons to switches and buttons on my panels. I'm trying to determine the best way to do this. I could use DirectInput, but I'm guessing it might be better to assign things to unused FS events and then have them assign them through FSUIPC. That way I don't have to hardcode it, or relay on reading in a config file.


  2. Can I discover with a read what key or joystick button a user has assinged to a particular function through the FS assignments dialog?

    Also, under "simulation" commands in FS-Interrogate2, I notice things like offset 2911 - Hot Button number 0-39[1], etc. What is all that, and is this documented anywhere?



  3. Peter,

    I think you mis-read my last statement, and seem to be intent on reading negative into it.

    I'm sorry I seem to have upset you somehow. I was just asking if something had been done, or could be done. I was not implying it would be easy to accomplish, nor did I state such.

    I do not have the tools needed to disassemble and trace through the code, and don't expect you to go hunting them for me. Just was hoping that others had alread solved it. Sorry to create such a bother.


  4. Those variables are read in from the panel.cfg and stored somewhere, just like the variables you already have found.

    So, not sure why you think it is another area entirely, but I'll take your word for it.

    See those simple values are used by the panel system to compute the color to display each frame based on published formulas.

    I'm sure it would be hard to track down where it is getting stored, just as it was likely for the many other variables you found.

  5. In a panel.cfg, there is an section that is optional:




    Where the above values are RGB colors used to calculate the "color" of bitmaps in the sim according to formulas in the Panel SDK.

    Many of us panel designers "turn off" the panel "light" while allowing luminous instruments with it on, by lowering the "Night" variable similar to above, so that PANEL_LIGHT does not add light to the panel.bmp.

    Now, what would be cool is to be able to programatically adjust this, as then one could easily implement anti-dazzle lights, or allow the pilot to adjust the luminesnce of his/her instruments.

    Just thought I would throw out this idea.


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