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Everything posted by frantzy13

  1. I am having this exact problem on takeoff roll. I believe the culprit is my 15-20 year-old PFC rudder pedals. When I go to recalibrate them I notice the yaw axis range is narrow and movement is spiky. Furthermore, when I manage to get airborne, these spikes cause autopilot issues (disconnecting and/or wandering off course) on the PMDG 737 ngxu. This despite having the PMDG option selected to ignore control movements when Autopilot is selected... I use a separate joystick as a tiller, and I have FSUIPC but in accordance with PMDG guidance do not have my hardware calibrated through it. Is it coincidence that both our ancient rudder pedals became unusable a month apart, or is there possibly something else contributing to this...? Mike
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