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  1. Just revisiting WideFS after some years to test some Project Magenta modules. I already have FSUIPC6 installed and successfully working on my server (running P3D v5). I've download and extracted WideFS7 to my client PC. There is no need to install WideFS on my server - it's now integrated into FSUIPC - is that correct? From the extracted contents on my client, WideClient.exe is all I need to run - and I assume it will ask me for a registration at some stage (which I have)? Thanks, Paul
  2. Accidentally. I can't even remember what prompted me. The software for my FDS CDU needs to wait for the PMDG to fully load (~20 seconds) before it will connect properly, so I think I just tried it based on a hunch. I think a delay parameter would be useful with the plethora of temperamental additional programs that some of us home cockpit hacks are running. Not a show stopper though - thanks for considering. Paul.
  3. Apologies if this has been covered before. I've been using the advanced feature of FSUIPC to run (and close) additional programs together with a delay for one application in particular that needs it (I've also discovered that I can specify "Delay = 20" at the end of the [Programs] section to increase the default 10 second delay - very handy). I wonder if it is possible to specify individual delays for each program that needs it. I occasionally see programs get tangled as they all start at the same time. Many thanks.
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