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  1. Thank you. I will do that! I am learning a lot using SDK.! Santiago
  2. I am sorry, I was not familiar with that documentation. I just downloaded the SDK and started to code from there. My bad. I will test 0x2DF0 then. Thank you for your help Santiago
  3. Hello Pete, I wanted to know if this offset is supported on MSFS as I am doing some test and I manage the data thet I read from that offset to identify current visibility. Documentation says: 0E8A 2 Current visibility (Statue miles * 100) Ok Ok But using console I have this data: 7145282 Monitor IPC:0E8A (U8) = 179. Based in the documentation and doing all converstion current visibility seems to be 1NM but Simulator gives me 6NM. Thank you for your help
  4. Actually, my mistake was on reading the offset! Offset is reading perfect froim simulator! I was using PMDG 737
  5. I solved this issue. please close this thread.
  6. Hello I am using OFFSET 0894 to detect if Engine 1 is running but is not working Someone is having same problem? Thanks
  7. Hello team, are any of you using the overspeed warning Offset 036D? I figured out that in some cases in Xplane (TOLISS plane) or MSFS (E190) is detecting OverSpeed BUT in the flight everything is normal (no overspeed alarm) and the speed is ok. Does any of you have same behavior? I just want to check if there is a workaround. Thank
  8. Thank you John, I just wanted to bring it here to check if someone had similiar issues. I will use 0x3324 then Santiago
  9. Hello John, Have you received any bug of MSFS2020 about altitude on 29.92 / 1013 or when the altimeters is in STD? We use the offset 0574 that reads well the altimeters in any FS old version or Prepare3d but in MSFS2020 it doe shows a difference +-1500 fts. look at the attachment: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Airbus A320 NEO The SUR Acars windows is the app developed by my team using the 0574 offset to record the altitud. but as you see when the Sim is in FL400, the SUR Acars is reading FL410. Do you know how can we resolve it?
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