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    East Sussex

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  1. Thanks Ariel, I have submitted a ticket on the Zendesk
  2. I purchased from the Feelthere website. The link I have came from BMTMicro.
  3. Hi, has this update been released? I bought KLGA during the sale a couple of weeks ago and I was only offered v1.5.0 I’ve tried the download link again today and it’s still v1.5
  4. Hi John, I don't have a licence yet so a trial would be super thank you
  5. I am currently flying the Working Title CJ4 mode, however on my Saitek Throttle the amounf of movement it takes to go from TO > CLB > Cruise is about 1cm. Is it possible using FSUIPC to extend these ranges so i have furtehr distance to travel before hitting the next "indent"?
  6. Thanks John, someone on Facebook said that the controls worked but the buttons didn’t... This was the quote... “Frankly, I am very happy with my Cessna Yoke, but it is not recognized by MSFS2020 (alpha/beta) and haven't been able to configure many of the controls like hat switch successfully.”
  7. I’m new to FSUIPC and was directed here by a post on Facebook. Apparently the Saitek Cessna yoke isn’t recognised by MSFS2020 so things like the buttons and Hat switch on the yoke don’t work...would FSUIPC enable those buttons to work (also the ones on the throttle quadrant?) Also earlier on in this thread it was reported that KEY_AILERON_TRIM_SET, KEY_RUDDER_TRIM_SET can’t be assigned...does this mean we can’t set up buttons to assign aileron and rudder trim or is there an alternative now in the sim?
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