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  1. I though I'll ask here as considering amazing work you doing for the community (Thank you for that btw) I hoped you have some special contact with Asobo, but fair enough, I'll try to find some official forum or something and ask them there. More people asking about that hopefully will put at least some minimal pressure on them to add it.
  2. Hi, Did Asobo provided any information about how urgent it is on their TODO list to hook up these events? Is there any chance of us getting it with e next MSFS update, or is it more likely that it will take months for them to implement? Not sure how did @JoeAir got it all working but for me none of the G1000 specific inputs doesn't work. What doesn't work: Softkeys 1 to 12 Zoomin, Zoomout buttons Direactto, Menu, Flightplan, Procedure, Clear, Enter buttons Group Knob Inc/Dec, Page Knob Inc/Dec, Cursor button COM/NAV and autopilot buttons are working correctly apart from Vertical Speed Mode and VNV mode. For Vertical Speed Mode in The "The 2016 List of FSX and P3D Controls" pdf I found: AP PANEL ON 66115 AP PANEL OFF 66116 AP PANEL SET 66117 but they are not listed in FSUIPC 7 and when assigned when custom control they don't work and FSUIPC console log displays: Exception 1 "ERROR", Ref 4620, Index param 2 on TransmitClientEvent, object=1, id=66115 (????), data=0 For VNV mode I did not found any associated control/offset.
  3. Hi. Is there anyway to map switching transponder between off/standby/on/alt/test in non-g1000 planes like cessna 152 and cessna 172? I tried 'XPNDR' control with different parameters as well as XPNDR toggle (sb4), XPNDR stby (sb4) as well as offsets x0B6F and x3BE4 but nothing seems to work.
  4. Hi, Just want to report that both 'COM RADIO FRACT DEC CARRY' and 'COM2 RADIO FRACT DEC CARRY' are increasing the frequencies instead of decreasing them. NAV1 and NAV2 equivalents work correctly. "None-carry" versions of COM and COM2 also work correctly. Also is there any control allowing to swap between active and standby ADF frequencies? Using this list https://fsuipc.simflight.com/beta/The_2016_List_of_FSX_and_P3D_Controls.pdf I found ADF1 RADIO SWAP - 66741 but the control is not listed within FSUIPC7 itself and when assigned as custom control and used FSUIPC consol log shows: Exception 1 "ERROR", Ref 4833, Index param 2 on TransmitCLientEvent, object=0, id=66741 (????), data=0
  5. I just tried "FUEL PUMP" control (I know its the same as custom control 66237 but as Scotfleiger mentioned specifically 66237 I though will call it like that to be clear that we are on the same page) with different parameters in G58 and regardless of the parameter provided control just toggle fuel pump state between off and low for both pumps. If I set with mouse pump 1 to low and leave pump 2 as off, then regardless of the parameter provided pump 1 would change to off and pump 2 would change to low. If one of the pumps would be set with mouse to high then only the other one will react to "FUEL PUMP" control again regardless of provided parameter
  6. @Scotfleiger Thank you for checking it. That is interesting but I'm getting different results. For me the Aux fuel pump is switching between off and low regardless of which control/offset I'm using. I tried <custom control> 66237, Offset Byte Set (to x01 on button press, to x00 on button released), Offset Byte Setbits/Clearbits to x01 on button press/release and the results are the same for all of them. On top of that if I would manually switch the Aux fuel pump switch to high with the mouse and then try to use controls mentioned above they stop working at all and the switch just stay on high whether i would press the joystick button or release it. Although FSUIPC console indicates that Event TOOGLE_ELECT_FUEL_PUMP1(for offsets)/FUEL_PUMP(for control) took place
  7. @Scotfleiger Are you aware whether these Lvars are planned to be exposed in the way FSUIPC7 will be able to use them? If that would be the case is it possible to map them as easy as FS contols/Offsets or would it require something more complicated like lua scripts? Also, the Beechcraft Bonanza G36 which I think is included with standard edition of MSFS has the same type of fuel pump switch. So if it's anything you could check and perhaps find out something more I would be very grateful.
  8. Hi. I'm trying to find a FS control/Offset which would allow me to set Fuel pump to High in for example Beechcraft Baron G58. Currently I'm using offset x3125 but that unfortunately only switching between fuel pump off and fuel pump low. I also tried to open the FSUIPC7 console log and find out what event is triggered whenever I will change the switch position using mouse but unfortunately that doesn't detect any event. Is there any way at all to map a joystick button press to set Fuel pump to High or is that something currently missing?
  9. 😂 it is, how I didn't see it? Thank you.
  10. Hi John. I downloaded the FSUIPC4 installer unfortunately I can't install it as I currently don't have FSX and I would prefer not to download it just for the purpose of installing FSUIPC4 to get one file out of it. I am a FSUIPC4 owner. I bough it in Jan 2016 from simmarket. If there is any way I could prove you that I did purchase it, I'm happy to do so. I just wonder would it be possible to get the HidDemo.lua file directly from you? Or am I getting this wrong and I don't have to install FSUIPC4 the lua examples are available somewhere to download and I just can't find it?
  11. Hi. I'm in the process of building custom game controller based on Arduino Leonardo. Some time ago I reported that FSUIPC can't see it because the HID is not of a type "Joystick". I though no problem I just gonna use vJoy instead and wrote one to one re-mapper from my Arduino HID to vJoy HID. That does work but only for the first 32 buttons (0 to 31). Input from buttons 32 to 127 is not recognized by FSUIPC although it definitely work because I can use it if mapped directly within MSFS. Is that something what should work? Or is it expected behavior for FSUIPC to be able to work only with first 32 buttons of the controller? In theory I could always remap my 2x Arduino HID 128 buttons each into 8 vJoy HID 32 buttons each but that would make entire process even more messy that already is so If possible I would prefer to avoid that. Please see HID scans of the vJoy devices below: ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#hidclass&col01#1&2d595ca7&1&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=1234, Product=BEAD (Version 2.25) Manufacturer= Shaul Eizikovich Product= vJoy - Virtual Joystick Serial Number= 2.1.9 Usage Page: 1 Input Report Byte Length: 65 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 0 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 2 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 12 Number of InputData Indices: 140 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 0 Number of Feature Value Caps: 0 Number of Feature Data Indices: 0 Buttons range 1 -> 128 at indices 12 -> 139 Value X at index 0, range 0 -> 32767, using 32 bits Value Y at index 1, range 0 -> 32767, using 32 bits Value Z at index 2, range 0 -> 32767, using 32 bits Value U/RX at index 3, range 0 -> 32767, using 32 bits Value V/RY at index 4, range 0 -> 32767, using 32 bits Value R/RZ at index 5, range 0 -> 32767, using 32 bits Value Sldr at index 6, range 0 -> 32767, using 32 bits Value Dial at index 7, range 0 -> 32767, using 32 bits Value POV at index 8, range 0 -> 35900, using 32 bits Value POV at index 9, range 0 -> 35900, using 32 bits Value POV at index 10, range 0 -> 35900, using 32 bits Value POV at index 11, range 0 -> 35900, using 32 bits ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#hidclass&col02#1&2d595ca7&1&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=1234, Product=BEAD (Version 2.25) Manufacturer= Shaul Eizikovich Product= vJoy - Virtual Joystick Serial Number= 2.1.9 Usage Page: 1 Input Report Byte Length: 65 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 0 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 2 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 12 Number of InputData Indices: 140 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 0 Number of Feature Value Caps: 0 Number of Feature Data Indices: 0 Buttons range 1 -> 128 at indices 12 -> 139 Value X at index 0, range 0 -> 32767, using 32 bits Value Y at index 1, range 0 -> 32767, using 32 bits Value Z at index 2, range 0 -> 32767, using 32 bits Value U/RX at index 3, range 0 -> 32767, using 32 bits Value V/RY at index 4, range 0 -> 32767, using 32 bits Value R/RZ at index 5, range 0 -> 32767, using 32 bits Value Sldr at index 6, range 0 -> 32767, using 32 bits Value Dial at index 7, range 0 -> 32767, using 32 bits Value POV at index 8, range 0 -> 35900, using 32 bits Value POV at index 9, range 0 -> 35900, using 32 bits Value POV at index 10, range 0 -> 35900, using 32 bits Value POV at index 11, range 0 -> 35900, using 32 bits **************************************************************************
  12. Thanks Pete. I'm attaching the results of HID scanner. HIDscan.rar
  13. So I recently bough Arduino Leonardo and I'm in process of building custom game controller. I used these library to create HID https://github.com/MHeironimus/ArduinoJoystickLibrary Unfortunately these always creates HID of type "Driving". All the games I've got installed and event the MFS itself is able to detect the input from it, unfortunately the FSUIPC is not. I even tried to edit the FSUIPC7.ini and added the productGuid manually at the end but it didn't help either. Is FSUIPC ignoring all the devices of type "Driving" ? Is it any chance to add it? [JoyNames] A=Joystick - HOTAS Warthog A.GUID={CF3E3D10-312E-11E9-8002-444553540000} B=Arduino Leonardo B.GUID={80362341-0000-0000-0000-504944564944} Please see the screenshots(unfortunately I couldn't attach them the to the post): https://ibb.co/gMdPvmX https://ibb.co/G9LLjWh
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