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    SF Bay Area

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  1. Thomas & John - Thank you both for the prompt responses. I was able to get the throttle quadrant working and spent some time reviewing the documentation you pointed me towards. This has me heading in a positive direction for sure. Cheers!
  2. And the PFCHid ini and log file.d
  3. Hello - Up front, until I purchased MSFS 2020, I probably had not tried another version since MSFS 2000. With that, I'm really unfamiliar with FSUIPC and what to expect when using it with a PFC Cirrus 2 Pro console and MSFS 2020. Should everything just work? Is there additional tweaking that I need to do? From what I can tell, I think most things are working with the exception of the throttle quadrant. I'm also uncertain that the Remote Instrument Console is working. When I start MSFS 2020 and open Options & Controls, the PFC C2 Pro is recognized but shown as an avatar with a ? mark over it. I presume like X-Plane, this is normal behavior and calibration, etc. is done outside the Flight Sim. I am able to fly otherwise, but for the throttle I have to use the keyboard. Being new to this, I'm uncertain what to do next. I've read through forums & documentation but feel like I probably missed something. I understand formal documentation is not yet available for the FSUIPC7 beta but is there past documentation you might recommend that could give me hints on what I might be missing? In the meantime, if it sounds like I've done the basic steps (Unzip both the FSUIPC7 beta and PFCHID into the same folder and run the executable and run MSFS 2020) and maybe something is mis-configured or not detected, I am attaching my log and ini files to this thread. My apologies if this has already been covered somewhere else. Always happy to read more threads. FSUIPC7-ini-log.zip
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