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  1. Thank you John. I'm a retired C++developer so I was trying to see which software, if any, would hide the MS SDK behind an easy to use interface. Apologies if the question felt a bit heavy. I remember the good old days when FSUIPC gave a nice, clean interface to the offset table that every plane developer used. It's not your fault that MS/Asobo have exploded the vars into 5000 pieces, literally, although the common cockpit functions seem to have some consistency. Thank you for planning to add the Fly By Wire heading and V/S, the FBW-A320 is one of the most popular planes. The best we can all do is have separate configs for each plane/cockpit combo, with common code if scripting is supported. Regards Paul
  2. For example, the 4 critical displays in an autopilot. Here are the variants for the Sim vars for an MS-787 and the FBW-A320: // Function Generic var Index MS-787 FBW-A320 Heading AUTOPILOT HEADING LOCK DIR :1 :3 IAS AUTOPILOT AIRSPEED HOLD VAR :1 Alt AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE LOCK VAR :3 :3 VS AUTOPILOT VERTICAL HOLD VAR :3 As a retired and experienced developer with 37 years in the CAD/CAM business I don't want to write multiple scripts for multiple aircraft - that is a maintenance nightmare. I want one script to rule them all, such as Air Manager LUA scripts where I can bury the sim var nonsense in a function() and only use that function to control hardware. I would expect FSUIPC to abstract these values and correct them for every supported aircraft - that's what I would pay for. In other words, the offset previously known as Autopilot - AP Air Speed Value, would consistently return the Spd settings across all the supported aircraft, as it always has done so well. PS: I do understand the memory map has gone away, but FS2020 is here and we must all adapt. Regards Paul
  3. This is a slightly curved reply. Thrustmaster are releasing an Airbus throttle quadrant and Airbus certified joystick on Oct 22nd. That will make the throttle detents accurate. Its pretty much to scale and later they will add Flaps and Spoiler controls, which look very realistic.
  4. Moved to Sub Forum When I run FSUIPC (19/9/20 release) I get this error: [Window Title] C:\Users\Paul\Downloads\FSUIPC\FSUIPC7.exe [Content] C:\Users\Paul\Downloads\FSUIPC\FSUIPC7.exe The parameter is incorrect. [OK] I don't have MSFS 2020 installed, but that is not a reason to get a confusing message. cheers Paul PS : For ADMIN. The forum put my message here in a obscure way. I signed up after I created the message and did not expect the message to be sent I suggest you move it to the right place and remove my PS. Thanks.
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