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Posts posted by SWhite

  1. 16 hours ago, John Dowson said:

    Thanks for the info though - quite a few people are experiencing this issue, and it may help them...

    ProgramData was the only one on my system that had the same security permissions as my other drives which is why I listed it. But yeah, it is hidden by default. I'd be surprised if the Documents folder was an issue though. It is for all our editable user data after all! 

    I am 100% able to reproduce the issue with each settings change so each of those things so it is most definitely my causes. Of course, that there may be other other constraints my machine doesn't trip that others might. The wonderful world of PCs eh.

    I tried the SU9 beta 3 days before release but it was causing me nothing but CTDs when the prior version never CTDed at all. This caused me to do a full reinstall because the normal opt-out broke my MSFS install badly. Maybe there is something related there too. I wonder how many users having the issue were beta participants?

    Fortunately the live version of SU9 is working perfectly for me now!

  2. Neither of the two auto-start apps I had were auto-starting anymore, I'm not sure when they stopped but I think it is since SU9. I don't always require the two apps. 

    After much mucking around and as a last resort, I decided to move FSUIPC and LogiMicrosoftFlightSimulator from their original locations that they'd been in for many months (FSUIPC was in a folder on my Desktop and LogiMicrosoftFlightSimulator was in its default install path in C:\Program Files) to my archive disk. Once I updated the paths in exe.xml, both apps loaded properly. FSUIPC wasn't minimized like it used to. But it worked at least! 

    There were two changes necessary to get the original paths to work. I had to do both.

    1. The EXEs must *not* be set to run as "Administrator". Both of mine were. This is required whether I run MSFS as Administrator or not.

    2. The folders have to have the "Users" group and be given the standard "Read" and "Read and Execute" permissions.

    If you don't know how to set permissions, maybe try moving the folders of the necessary app folders to "C:\ProgramData". That's not great, but easier.

    Good luck 🙂

  3. Thanks John,

    Yep, the log shows the same location 6 times.

    Right now I am parked at OMAN but the log shows OI02 as being nearest but that is 493 km away. There are lots of airports closer.

    I swear though that yesterday, every time I chose a new airfield from the nearest page on the TBM the API returned that airport. I switched it like 5 times by doing that.

    It seems Asobo have a bug or two. Who'd have though!

  4. G'day,

    I see offset 0x0658 is returning the "nearest" airfield as determined by the nearest GPS function.  IE: what you select when you want to navigate to an airfield in the" nearest" airfield list.

    I thought it would be the "closest" airfield. Is this correct and if so is that an Asobo bug?


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