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Everything posted by Spidergiel

  1. Hi Pete, The problem with administrator rights solved itself, since my pc crashed :cry: but I got a whole new motherboard and dual-core pentium 4 from my pc-dealer :D . I had to install FS again. Got FSUIPC working also, only my prop-pitch doesn't work allright anymore. Values have to go up and down plus and minus 16380 I think but they only go from plus and minus 7040 at the moment, so I have only a partial pitch. What am I doing wrong? If I use 'set' I cant get the numbers changed. probably really a beginners question. :oops: Greetings Michiel
  2. Hi Pete, I'm suddenly having a strange problem what probably doesn't have anything to do with FSUIPC. About 2 months ago I added some scenery to FS but since than din't find anything interesting. Last week I started adding some new things and now FS says I must log in as an administrator and new scenery's won't be added, there is only one account on my pc and that is yours truly! Also project canaries said the same thing but still added a few things, not all I think, have very edged shore-lines, do you or anybody have experience with this kind of problem? Michiel
  3. Hi Pete, Great, :roll: now I've got terrible weather again, I was allmost getting used of flying with clear skies all the time. Now its just like the old day's every where I go it doesn't rain it poors! Thanks :? as soon as I upgraded FSUIPC, active sky kicked in again. Yours sincerely, Michiel
  4. Aha, thanks Peter I guess that will solve the problem! :D And to JSkoran, thanks also but asv didn't recognize that fs was running period, I could get a report manually from any location. I think Peter's solution will work. I'll let you know! Thanks again Michiel
  5. I've read somewhere else on this side about the FSUIPC.dll that I have to replace out of a zipfile. but I only recieved a key from simmarket not a zipfile! I'm in the dark here regards Michiel
  6. Thats very quick. no I dont have a pirated version otherwise I wouldn"t dare writing you, I've bought it 2 wks ago on simmarket but I see now its the 3.50 version! How do I upgrade this then? and would this be causing the proble with active sky?
  7. Hi Peter, I'm not sure but it seems that since I registered FSUIPC active sky doesn't connect with FS anymore. But I´m a newbie with FSUIPC and don´t even understand the 3 buttons on the first page, normal defaults, clear all weather and weather settings off :oops: I must say I´m a bit overwhelmed with all the possibillyties of FSUIPC and don´t have a clue where to begin. I only registered because the middle lever of my CH yoke gave the right values in FS but the lever in the game wouldn´t go up all the way! Nothing changed in values after registring but now my lever works ok. Don´t have a clue how this is possible. I hope the active sky problem is known to you, I´ve removed and installed it again but that makes no difference neither does loading flightplans. Thanks and sorry I do not have much knowledge of your progam yet. Greetings Michiel
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