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kaha last won the day on June 21 2023

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  1. Unfortunately this doesn't work out. It depends if the ATC Type in the aircraft.cfg file has been set correctly. Just 3 examples: AH's Cessna 170: "C170BT" Miltech's Chinook: "$$:Helicopter" Microsoft's Bell 47J: "Bell"
  2. Thank you, I'll try that.
  3. Maybe I missed something in the documentation? Karl
  4. John, you're of course right. For my peripherals I use FSUIPC exclusively. I cleared all my MSFS profiles (except keyboard and mouse) but somehow MSFS 2024 managed to come up with a standard profile for the flaps. Works now. Thank you, Karl
  5. Ok, I'll check. Thank you. Karl
  6. Here we are. For this test I used the same FSUIPC installation as I use for MSFS 2020, Karl FSUIPC751.zip
  7. I use the binding in the screenshot. This works in 2020, but in 2024 it extends and retracts the flaps completely. Anyone also sees this? Tested with empty Community folder and with 2024-native aircraft as well as with 3rd party aircraft. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. Karl
  8. I need different lua scripts and most likely different bindings for 2024. How can I do a 2nd FSUIPC installation for MSFS 2024? I don't want to change my 2020 setup. Karl
  9. If you really want to read a button state you can do it like this: Button_C_Mask = ipc.buttons("C") if logic.And(Button_C_Mask, 0x8000000) == 0x8000000 then Karl
  10. Thank you, John!
  11. DetectToConnectDelayAuto=30 did it. Thank you, Karl
  12. Thank you John, I will do as you advised. Anyway, I did not make changes to my ini file lately, so I'm wondering why this stats to happen now. Karl
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