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kaha last won the day on June 21 2023

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  1. I have the Cockspur A22, battery and alternator switches are not working with standard assignments. But it has input events for it, named "ELECTRICAL_Battery_1" and "ELECTRICAL_Alternator_1". Maybe the C510 also has it?
  2. Well, the error description is spot on. ipc is a table and "execCalcCode" is a field in this table.. Look at this, both syntaxes are valid: ipc.execCalcCode("1 (>K:SET_STARTER1_HELD)") ipc["execCalcCode"]("1 (>K:SET_STARTER1_HELD)") The error message tells you that there is no table entry with key "CalcCode" (there is no field named "CalcCode") in table ipc. Karl
  3. Thank you John. It's not causing any issues but is there each time I fly the Bell 47J.
  4. I got a line Exception 20 "DATA_ERROR", Ref 19906, Index param 1 on write SetData for "AILERON TRIM PCT" in my log file. Something to worry? Karl FSUIPC7.zip
  5. I tried the Asobo King Air 350, the Blackbird PC-6 and the Azupoly C160 Transall. I attach the log file (Asobo King Air) and 2 screenshots. One with the insim binding that works, and one with the FSUIPC binding. Karl FSUIPC7_log.zip
  6. Cannot find Fuel Selector 1 left and right positions. Karl
  7. CONDITION_LEVER_CUT_OFF, CONDITION_LEVER_LOW_IDLE and CONDITION_LEVER_HIGH_IDLE are not working here. _SET, _INC and _DEC is working. I cannot find what I'm doing wrong. The in sim bindings work. Also, the respective controls (using ipc.control()) are not working. Karl
  8. I installed 7.4.4 but it is still opening on start and telling me that 7.4.4 is available for download. (it shows version 7.4.4a running). Karl
  9. I did intensive testing but scripts always ended ok. Karl
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