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Terry Kulp

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Posts posted by Terry Kulp

  1. I am working to make sure that I have FSUIPC able to "Read" the "ods" file format in the spreadsheet file.  My questions are simple, I hope!

    1.  Does the FSUIPC .exe file look for the ".ods" file when it runs?  The spreadsheet Instructions in Excel tell me to rename that .ods file to an Excel Worksheet, so I have, and l slso saved a Macro type format.  I have not got a clue which is best, OR what the file name AND Format should be in that folder?

    2.  Is that spreadsheet going to be updated when I register my program? And will the spreadsheet continue to be written to it as I play the game?? 

    I assume that as changes occur, such as telling a gauge what it is supposed to do, function like, they are written to and install the various code/instructions of the Flight Panels and Gauges that I am buying to install into a sim cockpit? 

    Is it in the right folder?  Named correctly?  Smart people, like you, are able to write code/instructions to make hardware work so it needs to find and know the correct format    There are hundreds of possible control codes/instructions that are blank on that spreadsheet so someone must thionk that there are a bunch of things left to be added. What must I do to ensure that it is able to do so

    I am NOT a programmer and have so little understanding of those symbols and "things" on that spreadsheet, and having listened to a Sim Pilot who has written so many of these integration codes for gauges and flight panels, and who makes his files available for download, I just want to be sure that I am making the Platform for those instructions to be right.


    Thank you both for what you do.  I envy you for what you are doing and have done and really can't wait for your assistance

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