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Everything posted by pmartin

  1. Good morning peter! Another question! Is there any adress in you fsuipc for the engin-start for an airbus? (engin-Master-Switch1, programm-selector, start-button) regards peter p.s. nice sunday
  2. Thanks for your help!!!!! It works Regards peter
  3. Hello peter! It doesn´t work! I have activated in Wideclient.ini with "SendKeyPresses=Yes" but when i press for an example "." and nothing happens on the Wideclient-server. The parking brake do not work! I hope you understand what i mean! regards peter
  4. Sorry again Peter! when i activate Keypresssend ("yes") then i can send every keypress for exapmle "Alt-A" to the WideFS-Server and then to the FSUIPC? But how do i program this in the WideFS-Server.ini and in the FSUIPC-Ini! Sorry regards peter p.s. i have read your docu ;-))
  5. Dear Peter many thanks for your answer! Can you make me an example how can i do this! Because i do not understand how does it work! regards peter
  6. Hello Peter! I am so sorry but i don´t found any answer for my problem in you documentation or at the forum! Question: Is it possible to send a keystroke via widefs (widefs-client => widefs-server) to the main-computer? If it is possible! How can i do it? regards and nice sunday! peter
  7. I want to use it with program OHL from HCSDT. Because the offset of FSUIPC (4645 BIT 1) is on when the APU Master SW is on. I want to read this in the FSBUS Programm an light an LED! I hope you understand what i mean! regards Peter
  8. Hello Peter! Is it real that i not find the offset 4645 in the FSUIPC.DLL? regards peter
  9. Hello everybody! Is it possible to use a Joystick (USB) on a client computer and flight with this joystick via widefs and fsuipc an aircraft on the Flighsim-server? Regards Peter
  10. Hello everybody, hello peter, i have a big problem! My widefs doesn´t start anymore! I don´t know why! There is my widefs.ini ; PLEASE SEE the documentation for parameter details ; ================================================== [Config] Port=8002 AutoRestart=5 AutoUpdateTime=13 MaximumBlock=4096 NoStoppedRestarts=Yes RestartTime=10 SendTimeout=15 UseTCPIP=Yes ServerName=Flusi1 ServerIPAddr= TCPcoalesce=No ; ----------------------------------------------- [user] Log=Errors+ ; =============================================== [ClientNames] 1=FLUSI2 Is there something wrong? regards peter
  11. many thanks for you answer, pete! But i had another question! One of the programms i want to start with run or runready need an input after start: 1. "Return" 2. "F" i hope for an answer regards peter
  12. how many programms can i start with widefs? if more than 3 how? Peter
  13. Hello everybody! I had an different question! Is it possible to send codes from Keypressing (like "E" or combinations "STRG+E") from the programm LPT-Switch reload via WideFS and fsuipc to the FS2k2? Many thanks for your help regards Peter P.S. i hope anybody understand the problem!
  14. dear peter is it possible to change the name of the file i want to download! for example: not fsuipc.zip better fsuipc(version number) => fsuipc312.zip like enrico! best greetings peter
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