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  1. Thank you so much for your full explanation! It's well appreciated. I now realize as opposed to creating so many profiles a better way of doing things would be "twin engine profile" or "stick profile". This makes a lot more sense now. Kind regards. Gary
  2. John, Thank you so much. All is working fine now. Sorry about the mess I created but is there something I am doing wrong? Every time I download a new aircraft livery, FSUIPC doesn't work for the livery. I then check the profile specific box and then choose "new based upon" and will assign it to whatever aircraft is already assigned in FSUIPC. Should I handle things differently moving forward??? I don't want to create additional problems moving forward. Also regarding the T. Flight Hotas X. I use it whenever I am flying an aircraft with a stick. How should I handle having multiple controllers? Kind regards, Gary
  3. Hello, The issue seems to still persists. I cannot fly any of the twin aircraft due to Throttle 2 being so unstable. I have attached both files for you review. Kind regards, Gary FSUIPC7.ini FSUIPC7.log
  4. Hello, I suddenly started encountering problems with FSUIPC 7 Throttle 2 axis. I've done everything I can possibly imagine. I've reinstalled MSFS thinking it may have been the issue. I've reinstalled FSUIPC 7 twice and the issue still persists. The throttle 2 axis is no longer stable. It either advances on its own while idling, or when at full throttle, it will retard fully. I am using the latest version 7.4.12a. I have attached my ini as well. FSUIPC7.ini
  5. Hi, I've been a lover and supporter of FSUIPC since the FSX days. With that being said, I have FSUIPC7 for MSFS obviously. I just purchased the new SWS Pilatus PC-12 and not all of the axis seem work with the airplane. I posted on their discord platform and they mentioned the ailerons using LVARs of which I am not familiar with. Is this something that FSUIPC7 cannot handle?? Just curious because it's worked for every plane now except for this one. Regards, Gary
  6. Hi John, Thanks for your replies. I went back in and cleaned everything up. With MSFS being so much more complex than FSX and P3D, I had to take a bit more time setting everything set up. All is well and working just perfectly now. I assigned profiles to aircraft with different throttle and control settings such as taildraggers, twins, etc. Thanks for all of your help😊 Gary
  7. Hi John, I corrected the issues that you spoke of. Everything seemed to be working fine. Until two days ago and then the throttle axis only started to jump around and advance all on it's own. Here is something else that I found to be very interesting. I spend lots of time flying the 40th Edition Beaver. When the controls start to act up, the flap settings for this aircraft do not work properly. It will skip many of the settings. I have attached the files you requested. Please let me know anything else I should do. Kind regards, Gary FSUIPC7.ini FSUIPC7.log
  8. Hi John, Thanks for your reply. Let me make certain that I understand you. You said I have my throttle assigned to two controllers....I have the main profile set up whereas I use the throttle, prop pitch and mixture set up to use the one quadrant/controller only. Then, I have other specific profiles set up where I use both quadrant/controllers for flying twins. Are you saying I have accidentally added an additional throttle setting on top of these two profiles? Also, what is the best way to remove the extra throttle assignment? Kind regards, Gary
  9. Hi, I was having a very serious issue with my throttle being very jumpy. It would constantly advance to full throttle while taxiing at low idle, or during landing. I bought a new Saitek throttle quadrant thinking this was the issue. The new throttle has helped tremendously, but I'm still getting occasional spikes of the throttle. I've attached my .ini file for review. Any suggestions as to why this is happening? I have gone through the calibration process for the throttle. Thanks in advance, Gary FSUIPC7.ini
  10. Thanks John
  11. Hi, I got some information directly from the FSX Times website but I am not certain as to what he is referring to. I have his FIP gauges that I use in FSX/P3D. I copied this from this website. If you have the new FSUIPC7, you could continue to use the FSX/P3D gauges in MSFS via FSUIPC 7 without the need of Logitech’s Plugin for MSFS. Can you provide further details here please or should I contact Tom at FSX Times? Gary
  12. John, I figured out what the problem was. When you said something must have changed I went back and put my disks in to re-run the drivers from the disks I had for each panel. That did the trick. I also went in and assigned all axes. Thanks so much for the excellent support you guys provide and I am very happy to say FSUIPC 7 is the reason I have been flying MSFS 2020 more. Gary
  13. John, Thanks so much for responding. I do not use spad or spad.next. I was really enjoying being able to use FSUIPC7 clean and it was making all of panels work just fine. I have attached the files for your review. FSUIPC7.ini FSUIPC7.log
  14. Hello, I'm not sure what has happened or what to do next. I had been really enjoying using FSUIPC7 with MSFS for the past two weeks after updating FSUIPC for MSFS. To be honest, a big reason why I hadn't been using the sim much was because my Logitech/Saitek panels weren't working but with FSUIPC7, they were all working flawlessly. On yesterday that changed, and I don't know what happened. Now when I launch the game they won't connect. I did a system restore and well as uninstalled and reinstalled FSUIPC7 and still no success. Any suggestions??? Gary
  15. Thank you John. I will. Gary
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