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Andreas Guther

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Everything posted by Andreas Guther

  1. Here you find a lot of information on the events / variables supported: https://docs.flybywiresim.com/pilots-corner/a32nx-briefing/a32nx_api/
  2. Always welcome John 🙂 Microsoft has solved the issue in the meantime and it works again!
  3. @John Dowson Yes, clearly this is a sim issue. I’m sorry if that was left unclear in my first post. It was intended to inform others about a problem right now that has to be solved by MS. It definitively also affects other applications trying to connect early. Interesting is that the SimvarWatcher seems not to cause the issue for unknown reasons. I really hope MS delivers a patch soon.
  4. Hello, FYI right now FSUIPC seems to be incompatible with SU9 resulting into a CTD a few seconds after FSUIPC connects to the sim. It also happens without the LVAR module and other SimConnect connections work fine. So I guess there is some sort of access that the sim doesn't like anymore. Fingers crossed MS will fix this soon. I'm not sure if others share the same experience... Best, Andreas
  5. Hello John, Thank you! It works 🙂 Best, Andreas
  6. Hi John, thank you for following up! Its indeed a quite strange behavior. I need to use an older version for now because it really impacts performance on my end and it literally makes development impossible (you cannot anything else). I understand that you only support latest. Is there anything that can be done on your end so I can still use the new versions and the versions to come until the next sim update? Up to now I’m stuck otherwise… Best, Andreas
  7. Hello, using the latest version (at least when A32NX is loaded) causes the debug mode Console to be piped full in a speed that you cannot see any other messages anymore. It's complaining about fuel pump state trying to read an invalid index/id. As soon as FSUIPC is closed the messages stop. Another question: Is there an archive of the last versions? I was lucky that I have found an older version 7.2.11 otherwise I would be unable to use FSUIPC right now :-(. So I would greatly appreciate when at least 1 or 2 last versions would be possible to download for such cases. Best, Andreas
  8. Ah interesting, strange. I directly copied it over from gauge.h. It works very well, thank you for adding it! Best, Andreas
  9. Hello John, I think he's behind setting the engine mode of the A320. The events are: ENGINE_MODE_CRANK_SET ENGINE_MODE_NORM_SET ENGINE_MODE_IGN_START I've just tried them via SimConnect and the first two work, but the last one does not unfortunately. They can be found in the latest gauge.h. Best, Andreas
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