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Posts posted by CmdrJk

  1. I'm in the process of assigning LEDs to the corresponding functions in the A320 overhead (320Nx mod from the fbw team). atm I'm searching for the offsets of the APU Startup Sequence (another member of this forum linked a video sequence of it here: 


    all I got so far, is the readout for the LED when the APU Generator (offset 0x0B52) is active (green available LED), and a short readout (Start Button LED goes on and off, because the offset reads out a float value and goes back to 0 again after it) offset 0x0B58. But I have no clue what offset could be used for the APU Master Switch LED (When the button is pressed, the LED lights up and the APU flap on the aircraft opens), and the one for the APU Starter Switch (when this one is pressed, the APU starts/spools up and the powers its Generator) so that the led stays on as long as the start up/spool up procedure is running. I tried the APU related offsets in the provided offsets spreadsheat, no luck. Thanks in advance for any help!

    the corresponding fs events according to the console: 

    Fuelsystem.Valve.Toggle (APU Master on/off Button ist pushed/released) Event:Contrl=67195(0x0010676), Param=8(0,00000008)

    APU_Starter (APU Start pushed/released) Event:Contrl_66704(0x00010490), Param=1(0x00000001)

    APU.OFF.Switch (APU Master on/off Button is pushed/released again, APU shuts down)... =66705(0x00010491), Param=0(0x00000000)

    thx in advance for any help and effort! 🙂


  2. On 12/8/2020 at 12:33 PM, John Dowson said:

    Just looked at this in the A320Neo (but without the FBW mod). In the default A320, both of the seatbelt and smoking switches are inoperative. You can send the relevant controls (Cabin No Smoking / Seatbelt Alert Switch Toggle) and the offset (and associated simvar) gets updated, but has no effect on the aircraft. It therefore seems that this is not connected yet.
    I'm not sure if the FBW mod is supposed to correct this as I haven't used this (yet!).


    The switches (like a lot of other things) are working in the fbw mod.

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