Thank you Paul,
first I thought, that I messed up smthg in my code, as I'm working on a bigger project and there are already lots of forms, classes and stuff. I'm a pro at graphics, but not an expert programmer. Still learning new things every day, so I wasn't sure if it's not my fault. That's also the reason why I decided to go with the DLL client and not simconnect. I think it's a big help -> Can't thank you enough for making this possible btw and will definitely donate.
So I'm a bit stuck at the moment, because I gotta identify the loaded aircraft and have a hard time to do that. Tried all the listed offsets
private Offset<string> aircraftProfileName = new Offset<string>("AircraftID", 0x9540, 64);
private Offset<string> AIRfilePathname = new Offset<string>("AircraftID", 0x3C00, 256);
private Offset<string> ICAOdesignator = new Offset<string>("AircraftID", 0x0618, 16);
private Offset<string> ICAOmanufacturer = new Offset<string>("AircraftID", 0x09D2, 16);
private Offset<string> ICAOModel = new Offset<string>("AircraftID", 0x0B26, 32);
private Offset<string> title = new Offset<string>("AircraftID", 0x3D00, 256);
and found out, that the best way to identify the aircraft is 3D00. However, I gotta have a manufacturer and a model too to display it to the user. Unfortunately ASOBO, as well as third party devs don't really care much about keeping a straight line in naming their aircraft. In fact it's a totally mess! Sometimes the manufacturer name is missing completely, sometimes it's replaced by the dev name, sometimes it's at the beginning of the string, sometimes at the end. There's no structure at all in that. So I hoped the new offsets would help a bit to find a solution for that.
Looking for the second double quote sadly doesn't work, as I already came across aircraft, where the second one is missing (for whatever reason). Ok, maybe it's the string length, gotta check that.
Will report that to John.