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  1. Thanks John. Before I saw your reply, as FSPCUI was recognising the CM3 as joystick D, I ended up changing the axes from C to D, and that seemed to work. I also changed to [JoyNames] A=T-Pendular-Rudder A.GUID={A89F5010-7036-11EB-8004-444553540000} B=VPC Stick WarBRD B.GUID={3ADA5A60-7082-11EB-8003-444553540000} D=VPC Throttle MT-50CM3 D.GUID={3AD8D3C0-7082-11EB-8002-444553540000} 0=T-Pendular-Rudder 0.GUID={A89F5010-7036-11EB-8004-444553540000} 1=VPC Throttle MT-50CM3 1.GUID={3AD8D3C0-7082-11EB-8002-444553540000} 3=VPC Stick WarBRD 3.GUID={3ADA5A60-7082-11EB-8003-444553540000} I made the other changes you suggested. I didn't change those - don't even know what they do! - what was in there was default. Thanks again.
  2. So, I returned to MSFS today after a spell away from it. Now, none of my VPC CM3 throttle axes binds work. See attached ini. Why are there so many entries for the throttle listed under Joynames? There are 3 - C, D and 1. I can see two different GUIDs, but listed under D and 1 they are the same. Also, in FSUIPC7, the throttle device appears as Joystick D, yet all the profiles seem to have it as C. Can someone explain what is going on? Thank you. FSUIPC7.ini
  3. Well, I'm not @nandrews or @Gualdemar , but for me, I can say that the issue is fixed. Nice one!
  4. Yes, that works John. Everything is fine if FSUIPC7 is loaded after the Bush Trip is loaded.
  5. Just to confirm same with me. All Bush trips CTD on loading when FSUIPC7 is running. OK when it's not, but.... Let's hope for an update soon.
  6. Thanks Pete, I'm gradually getting there! Just seems a little odd that if in retrospect, I wanted to add a new axis to all modules, I can't do it. For example, although I having been simming for many years, I have only just got into MSFS very recently. On my rudders, Virpil throttle and stick, I have about 15 axes, and at this stage of my knowledge, I have only set up the usual stuff like throttles, brake, elevator, flaps, etc. At some point soon, I might think, oh, yes, that axis would be useful for task x. It would seem that I would have to add that into all profile manually rather than being able to add it into all in a 'general' category. The flexibility is great, as you say, as it's possible to define and refine throttle behaviour for each aircraft - just like DCS - which MSFS can't do. Could adding an axes for all aircraft after adding it for one be done by editing the ini file? Looks possible from my casual look through.
  7. Thanks John, so just looking at axes, are you saying that all general axes would have to be defined first, and then when a new profile is created, the question is asked about importing the general axes? A new 'general' axis cannot be added later to a profile. So, as an example, if all the profiles were set up, and if I then wanted to add a new axis to all of them, it would have to be added individually to all profiles?
  8. Thanks a lot, John. That lua file works fine. I am trying hard to get to grips with the basics here, but some things are still escaping me. 1) If I assign and calibrate an axis, everything is good, and I assume that by not ticking ‘profile specific’, the axis is available to all aircraft. However, if I do check that box for a particular axis for a particular module, I don't seem to be able to uncheck for any further assignment to all modules. How to do this? 2) I can't always see all options that are available in FS, e.g. I have 2 axes bound to external view pitch and yaw in FS, but can’t see that as an option in FSUIPC. Thanks again.
  9. I have now purchased a licence, so could you please now help with this issue of virtual buttons. I think I've set up the HidDemo.lua file OK by editing it, adding my VID and PID and adding in the [Auto] lines OK in the ini file. I have switched on logging for lua files and have attached the log and ini files as well as the lua. I'm sure it is something obvious, but how do I see the virtual buttons? I have hunted around the buttons and switches tab, but no joy. Thanks. FSUIPC7.zip
  10. To be honest, no, it isn't obvious, otherwise I wouldn't have asked. I still can't get this to work despite putting those 2 lines into the ini. After running FSUIPC, the lines got replaced by: [Auto] 1=Lua HidDemo [LuaFiles] 1=HidDemo No buttons greater than 31 recognised. I realise that it is probably something obvious I am doing wrong, again, but, I won't bother you again on this. Thank you for your help.
  11. Thank you again, john. I can't get this to work. Could you explain a little more? I have edited the lua file to put in my VID and PID and edited the ini file. What am I doing wrong? (As an aside, the page numbers in the Index of the Advanced User Guide need updating, starting from Macro Controls). HidDemo.lua FSUIPC7.ini
  12. Just trying a few things out while there is still some life in the trial key. Does that mean putting the edited lua file in the FSUIPC root install folder? Also, what do I put in the ini file to make the lua auto-start? Thanks again.
  13. Thanks again guys. Yes, the non-saving issue went away when I moved away from the 'normal' program install folders. All good now with the revised calibration of the throttle axes. It looks like an amazing bunch of tools, however, I would only scratch the surface of its capabilities as all I want is to restrict the travel calibration of 2 axes. On that basis, I just can't justify 30 EUR, which is half the cost of FS itself. If there was a more restricted version at a cheaper price, I would happily step in. I will, however, post about FSUIPC in some flight sim forums I contribute to.
  14. OK, thanks guys. What happens is that I run teh MSFS.bat file, a splash screen comes up with something like 'preparing cockpit...'. MSFS loads up, but FSUIPC doesn't., If I run it from the exe, things are OK. I've attached the log files so you can see what is wrong. You didn't address the wrong button numbers showing up in the button section. Is that an issue? InstallFSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7.log
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