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Everything posted by Solito

  1. Sorry for my request, but programming my VRInsight MPanel at the PDMG B737 is beyond my capacities.- It works OK for me at the default B747 and some other, using the "Microsoft Original Aircraft(FS9/FSX)" provided option as instructed for MSFS, but I couldnt make it work with the B737 Is there a profile which somebody can share ? Thanks
  2. Thanks John, I shall be standby for that
  3. Just for your info, John I uninstalled TrackIR5 and reinstalled in a C folder, replaced the old TrackIR5 path with the new one at the exe.xml, and still got the same error. So I quit, and stay using the FSUIPC.bat as before Thanks for all
  4. TrackIR5.exe wasnt set as admin, so I checked the option and now it is set accordingly. Then I ran MSFS and got the same error at the FSUIPC log file. (I attach it) I dont know if MSFS is running with Admin privileges, as cannot found its executable.- The MSFS shortcut only refers to a "fastlaunch" from which I dont know nothing about. Can you help me about that ? Thanks FSUIPC7.log
  5. Thanks John My FSUIPC is registered, but there are no assignments because I dont use the app to configure them The log error line is: 3125 FSUIPC couldn't run: ""C:\Program Files (x86)\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5\TrackIR5.exe"" in folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5" [Error=740] I attach the log file FSUIPC7.log
  6. I went to the advancer user guider, and learned how to use the FSUIPC.ini for my purpose. I added a [programs] sector and a line, but it seems I am doing something wrong as it Track IR doesnt start with MSFS I attach the ini file Thanks again FSUIPC7.ini
  7. I remembered you said that editing the exe.xml was a better option than the *.bat, as the app should quit once MSFS and FSUIPC are ended. Nevertheless, in my case it doesnt happen, it keeps running, so it behaves as the *.bat file
  8. Thanks John, that new exe.xml works OK now
  9. I tried launching TrackIR5 from the exe.xml file instead of the bat file as you sugested but it doenst work My modified exe.xml is : <SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0"> <Descr>Launch</Descr> <Filename>EXE.xml</Filename> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Launch.ManualLoad>False</Launch.ManualLoad> <Launch.Addon> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad> <Name>FSUIPC7</Name> <Path>C:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.exe</Path> <CommandLine>-auto</CommandLine> <NewConsole>False</NewConsole> </Launch.Addon> <Launch.Addon> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad> <Name>TrackIR5</Name> <Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5\TrackIR5.exe</Path> </Launch.Addon> </SimBase.Document> I attach the file I dont know what I am doing wrong Thanks EXE.xml
  10. I asked again because, as you could read, the launching process of the aplication is diferent as in TrackIR, this one is in 2 steps, and also it must be launched after FSUIPC, and I dont know how to handle both things.
  11. Another question : I use the VRInsight MPanel which I manually launch once MSFS is running, as it needs FUIPC to work. Once started it opens a small window with some options, which are saved, and the next step is pressing the button "fly now" Is there a way to launch it automatically with MSFS ? The path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\VRInsight\bin\VRiSim.exe Thanks again
  12. Thanks John, I am using MSFS.bat OK per your instructions
  13. I wish to add TrackIR5 to my MSFS.bat, located at the FSUIPC folder, that way I don't need in the future to launch it previously as I have done up to today . As I dont know the correct syntax, perhaps somebody can help me My TrackIR5 path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5\TrackIR5.exe Thanks
  14. Thanks
  15. Thanks John I am reinstalling FSUIPC7 update 7.36 at the same folder, previously uninstalling the old version. The key file is within the folder, so I Skip registering, although the key appears at the installer. All seems to go OK, but I have no assignments, so for now my only option is to return to my original FSUIPC7 version which works OK. I remember that originally I had some problem which needed your support, and from an unknown reason I published by mistake my key, so you tell me that as it was compromised, you will void it for future updates, perhaps that is the problem. If that is the case, can you reset my key ? Thanks again My Order #: 2641455 My Customer ID: 437654 My mail jorge@soldano-deheza.com.ar
  16. I was using FSUIPC 7.05 registered version, I tried to update to the recent v 7.33 . and when installing, my register key was accepted, but it works as an unregistered install, as I have no assignments, etc. So I had to return to my original version which works OK Can it be fixed ? Thanks My Order #: 2641455 My Customer ID: 437654 My mail jorge@soldano-deheza.com.ar
  17. I installed GFDev64.dll, and FSUIPC seems to recognize the device, as it reacts to buttons pressed and knob movements. But I really have not the capacity to program them, so the question is, if somebody has done it and wants to share it. Thanks
  18. I tried to download GFDev64.dll from the download page but cant.- The file is present and looks as capable to be downloaded, so tried the usual way to hit twice over the file but only reacts closing and opening the same page.- I have no connection problems and can download other files OK. Is there other way to download it ? Thanks
  19. Has somebody made the Goflight EFIS work at MSFS ? Thanks
  20. OK, should I remind you about it ? Thanks
  21. Sorry, I didnt realize about the problems from showing my key registration. I did what you suggested, and reinstalled the VC++ redistributables, and now it worked.- (strange, because I have a brand new Windows 10 install with the last upgrades). Is it necesary the new key you ofered to PM me ? Thanks
  22. Thanks Pete, I am using the correct mail jorge@soldano-deheza.com.ar Tried with jorge@soldano-deheza.com, And no way, so I wonder where is the error My registration details are: jorge soldano jorge@soldano-deheza.com.ar
  23. I just acquired FSUIPC7 ( Order #: 2641455 - Customer ID: 437654 ) I copied and paste exactly my name, mail, and Key at the registration box, as showed at the purchase confirm mail, but it says that the "registration details are not valid".- Tried several times, but no way.-
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