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  1. FsLatLonPoint[] sector1pol = new FsLatLonPoint[] { new FsLatLonPoint(39.158189, -6.560815), new FsLatLonPoint(39.44173, -6.291623), new FsLatLonPoint(39.847553, -4.565154), new FsLatLonPoint(39.594515, -4.687465), new FsLatLonPoint(39.019832, -6.427709), new FsLatLonPoint(39.158189, -6.560815) }; FsLatLonPolygon sector1 = new FsLatLonPolygon(sector1pol); I have this code but fail. Compile error CS0236 A field initializer cannot reference the non-static field, method, or property 'name'.
  2. I'm really sorry for not being an expert or explaining myself badly. Could you tell me how I can use the general offset control at 0x3110 with vb.net? Thanks
  3. They are the offsets provided by Milviz for the MFD of the T38C. He explain that send as normal axis but i don´t know how to send
  4. I have two Offsets, Heading Dec 0x110B0 Heading Inc 0x110B1 How to send as normal axis to sim in vb.net ? Thanks
  5. How can I give coordinates to FsLatLonPolygon so I can later check if the plane is inside the polygon?
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