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  1. noup at all
  2. Why in P3D this is possible without the convertion?
  3. Hello there, there still no available the xbox controller sticks that can't be assign in FSUPIC for Elevator, aileros, ecc... Thx in advance
  4. Ok guys i'm done for me the FSUIPC keyboards assign does not work, i want assign the command "F9" to start the clock but does not work. here is a little video of the issue. https://drive.google.com/file/d/130rqsXMgzzIEB1SSXkP1G72htiwgucYU/view?usp=sharing
  5. Hi, i tried to set in the direct FSUIPC axis the Rudder in the Xbox controller triggers, but when i return to the aircraft nothing hapens. Any advice?
  6. 😵 Thanks anyway for the assistance. If you are kind, Make it a priority i (like the most of rest of the people) don't have a budget to buy thousands of devices for the SIM. Thanks again.
  7. Hi, i purchase my FSUIPC for MSFS2020 and i have one problem, when i set the axis for the rudder in my xbox controller the windows of the software FSUIPC need to be active then when i switch to the windows of the SIM the commands sets does not work anymore. Only of i bring up the app of FSUIPC up works. Any advice of this? Thanks in advance
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