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Everything posted by alainzu34

  1. Hello, I have both MSFS2020 & FS2024 installed on the same computer. For the present time, there is a common FSUIPC7 config for both simulators. This is problematic since MSFS2020 and fs2024 do not have the same keeboard commands ! Is there any solution to store config for 20 & 24 in separate files? Best
  2. Thanks, I found it. Best regards
  3. Hello, would it be possible to get INT/RAD switch available as preset for the Fenix A320. It would be very useful to use with GSX. Best
  4. Hello, is fsuipc 7 fully compatible windows 11? best
  5. Hello John, I appreciate your replies, but as you may have understood, I am a basic fsuipc user who is not familiar with ivars and still unable to use mobiflight. I will follow your suggestion and read more carefully fsuipc advanced user guide. Thanks very much. Alain
  6. Thanks for your reply, but I am afraid to be unable to activate these functions. I have found on a forum: sw-apu-start on press fsuipc offset=0x620A type=integer size=1 mask=00FF value=1 But I do not know how to integrate these parameters in fsuipc Best regards
  7. Thanks John, I am using FBWA320 dev mode and I tried APU bleed, APU starter and APU generator but these commands are not recognized ???
  8. Hello, does anybody know how to program APU master, APU start, APU bleed, Signs for asobo A320? The related Fsuipc commands are not recognized. Regards
  9. I have put dll in fsuipc folder then what shall I do to get my mcp recognized?
  10. Hello, I would like to use my GF MCPpro for MSFS2020. I have read that I needed to put GFdev64.dll in FSUIPC folder. Where can I find this dll? Best
  11. Yes when I try to clic on axis assignment, the FSsuipc windows vanishes ( completely not just behind FS window) and I can no more use fsuipc until I restart my computer Same if I do alt+F No change full screen or window mode
  12. Hi, I have downloaded the latest version of FSUIPC for MSFS 2020. During the game if I try to clic on the fsuipc icon in the task bar, I cannot get the menu (axis, buttons). If I press alt+F I can sometimes get the fsuipc window, but it disappears whenever I try to click on axis assignment or button????
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