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  1. Hey can you please give me the solution on how you got this resolved. I am also in same boat of throttle keep on moving around during flight. Plus can you please tell me what is this hardware mod you are talking about thanks.
  2. Hi John, First of all I would like to thank you for your detailed response. I will try to program the switches as you have recommended in your reply and if I have any doubts I will ask further questions but I think I understand now how to program all the functions I need to my X56 HOTAS. Thank you.
  3. Hi, Can someone please guide me as I am not able to use the lua file with multiple functions in FSUIPC. I am unsure if this is even possible to do, basically what I am trying to do is use someone's lua file for the PMDG737 and use certain functions from that lua file in FSUIPC for example how do I assign "PMDG_GLSD_EFIS_NAV1_cycle" function to a key on my keyboard. Do I have to create multiple lua files with each function? or can I just use one lua file and assign different functions to different keys. I am sorry if this has been asked before I tried looking it up but couldn't find an example. Thanks. FSUIPC7.ini PMDG737.lua
  4. Use Linda with FSUIPC and it will work great there are some posts on linda forum you can have a look for them and you can write lua scripts too.
  5. I know this forum is just for support for fsuipc but I am currently using Linda to use the mode switches each mode switch acts a shift key basically and each toggle on the HOTAS can be used as 3 different functions then depending on the position of the mode switch. The only reason I used Linda is because it has an easy to use interface and does not take much of learning to get used to the software. But you can do the same thing with FSUIPC too using compound actions, it is a bit of a long process but once set up correctly it would work without any issues at all. Regards Waqar
  6. Thanks Pete, I will give it a go either tonight or tomorrow.
  7. Yea, I am waiting on an update as well about WASM modules to be fixed. Thanks for your reply I will let you know how it goes.
  8. I will try that with the A320 and see how lvar works and will give it a go maybe today and will post my results here so it may help anyone else looking out for the same problem. Thanks for your help, it is appreciated.
  9. Yes, I did try that control event with parameter 6 and it does nothing in the simulator even with Asobo A320. Then I tried with paramter 0 and that just turns off everything in the cockpit but overhead panel buttons don't move at all. I will try your suggestion with different version of the mod. The thing is I tried fiddling around with your WASM Module but I couldn't figure out how to get LVARS and the thing is there is no documentation on it yet so I can't follow any guides as I am quite new to lvars. I will have a look around and try to gather some information on lvars, I hope someone can help you write a guide for the usage of WASM module. Regards
  10. I am using the FBW A320 Development Build, it is version 0.6 I believe. On the FSUIPC console when I log the events and press the battery switches in the plane it gives this as an event output: 3860625 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 67073 (0x00010601), Param= 6 (0x00000006) ELECTRICAL_BUS_TO_BUS_CONNECTION_TOGGLE I will give these offsets a try and let you know how it goes. There are some other things in the plane such as the APU switches which don't work with the normal controls and when I try to write a lua script in Linda for it the event gets logged but nothing really happens in the plane. I am trying to get all these buttons and switches to be sorted out because I want to not use keyboard and mouse when I fly in VR. Thanks for your help it is really appreciated.
  11. Thanks John, yes @jaxx solved my issue. I am glad everything is working now as expected on the HOTAS side of things. I'll have a look as you said but with commands such as ADIRS and mastery battery etc I have not had much luck as I don't see any ADIRS commands in FSX and master battery toggle just turns of the battery instead of turning them back on when required. Anyways thanks for your help. 🙂
  12. Thanks I will give that a go btw that button flag I was just trying them out but couldn't figure it out at first. Anyways thanks for your reply I have finally figured it out how to use shift functionality with Linda as well as FSUIPC from your post. But now I have run into another problem such as I can't get master battery to work and I am reading about LVARS and HVARS, I am finding it a bit complicated but I am trying to work through it.
  13. I am currently trying Linda as it is a bit easier, but I would still love it if I can figure out a way for mapping everything within FSUIPC. If not I will post my results here for everyone using x56 so it may help them out. Currently I mapped toggle master battery with Linda and it would just turn off the batteries but not turn them back on when the key is pressed again. Thanks for your help. FSUIPC7.backup.ini
  14. Hi, Button 134 is supposed to be a shift key and button 5 should be the key to toggle action but it still send both the commands for button 5, like with the shift key control and without the shift key control at the same time. FSUIPC7.log
  15. Hi John I have tried this please check the my log file it is sending two commands at once even when the state of the other button is on. Log for shift keys.txt
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