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Ralf Luther

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Posts posted by Ralf Luther

  1. Hello, I have installed the registered version FSUIPC7. Can you please tell me how to configure a key on my keyboard (for example) for starting the cabin call identical with pushing the button "ALL" in the flybywire A32nx overheadpanel?

    Where can I find a complete list with possible functions and parameters?

    How is the exact function name for this example?

    which parameters are the correct ones and are necessary therefore?

    Do I have to configure this under "Buttons & switches" or under "Key presses"

    Thanks for your help,

    Greetings from Bavaria,


  2. I have an add-on which needs FSUIPC7. This add-on normally makes automatic audio cabin announcements whilst the flights with MSFS2020, for example Captain´s welcome, Safety instructions and so on.

    But I don´t know what you mean when you say check and update your device GUIDs in your FSUIPC7.ini

    What should I do for this?

    Usually I can start the audio announcements by pressing STRG+W and it´s to stop by STRG+X. Now when I press this keys I can hear the one-second-Starting-tone but I am missing the displayed text "cabin announcement started" which I did know from my old PC before.

    On the old PC I had to copy three lua-files into the FSUIPC7-folder and I had do place a folder named "mysound" in the root-folder. This one has the audio files included.

    Could it be that this is a problem with the MSFS-Update 5 ?

    Thanks for helping!

    Greetings, Ralf

    FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7.ini

  3. Hello all,

    after buying a new PC I now installed FSUIPC7 and lua-plugins for cabin announcments for new. But now it doesn´t work, I don´t get any announcements when flying.

    For this I just downloaded the FSUIPC7 for new from the website after logging in with my account.

    On my old PC everything was installed on  C:, now on 😄 I have only windows installed. MSFS is now installed on E:

    So I tried do change the installation of FUSIPC7 from 😄 to E: but it doesn´t work anywhere.

    When starting MSFS2020 FSUIPC7 is also started well but it doesn´t work.

    What could be the reason?

    Thanks for answer,


  4. Thank you. I only had the 2017-Version installed and older ones. I deleted this 2017-Version and re-installed the both files (v_redist.x64.exe and v_redist.x86.exe) with the new versions from your link.

    With this the problem was solved!

    Everything is working well now. Only one thing is strange and I´m wondering: in MSFS air-traffic-control-menu I now have Chinese symbols in the text since installing the new software.

    Do you have an idea where this comes from and how to clean this? Thanks for answer.

    Greetings from Bavaria,


  5. On my PC I have only one drive. MSFS needs to get Disk 1 (from a Disk set with 10 Disks) everytime for starting. With other than Disk1 its asking for Disk1 for starting.

    So without Disk1 MSFS doesn´t start.

    Which Disk should I put in the drive and when (what time, after MSFS has read Disk1?)?

    cannont there be another reason for the problem?


  6. I could install and register FSUIPC7 successfully but now I get an error message after starting MSFS2020:

    (I did not enter a WideFSkey when installing and left this input box free).

    FSUIPC7 Application-Error - the program could not be started correctly (0xc0000022).

    What should I do?

    Thanks for help and greetings from Bavaria,


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