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Everything posted by cdub

  1. Thank you for making any of this possible!
  2. All right took me a bit, but got it. I think what was missing for me is a few examples at hand so I'll go over mine. The HVAR (text file ending in .hvar) file I made for the gps panels for the cessna 172 skyhawk is: Skyhawk.hvar * the name of the file (eg Skyhawk) must be somewhere in the name of the actual plane name in msfs, and it was case sensitive for me. You have to put it in your Microsoft Flight Simulator Community folder. That is not a trivial folder to find. My installation is from steam and I found it here: C:\Users\{your user name}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Community\fsuipc-lvar-module\modules * Other installations put it somewhere else by default so you may have to look for it or look it up online. * The AppData folder is a hidden system folder unless you've turned off hidden files in microsoft. If you're attempting any of this, you likely have it off already. * There was an fsuipc-lvar-module folder in my Packages folder also for some well intentioned design purpose, so don't be beguiled. Then you have to make a macro file (text file ending in .mcro). This is my example, which has all of the above GNS 530/430 HVAR's described by John above. _GPSPanel.mcro * I called it that only because it took me forever to get this working right, and I needed it to be at the top of the dropdown list during testing if it ever showed up. Which it ... eventually did. That file has to be put in your fsuipc7 program folder. Mine was here: C:\FSUIPC After that, the first time you run fsuipc after installing that file, fsuipc will add the lines: [MacroFiles] 1=_GPSPanel in your fsuipc.ini file and the hvar's will be accessible in the drop down list in your button assignments with the file name, in this case _GPSPanel: preppending the name of each HVAR and they will work to control the button's described by each HVAR name. All of them I tested from the listings above work exactly as expected.
  3. This gets at the crux of the initial problem. There isn't a way to push the 530 or 430 buttons or turn their respective knobs directly. Those controls aren't in the generic fscontrols in fsuipc (or the simulator for that matter). I have attached the knobs to the generic radio or nav fequency change.. eg Com Radio Fract Dec. The only way I found to change what frequency the knob changes (com or nav) is to set up a flag on the small knob push and have the large or small knob control conditional on the state of the flag. Sounds like there might be a way to actually push the knob on the panel gns 530 or 430 directly using hvars. In which case that would then automatically have the normal activity of the panel knob. Probably that's what I should have done in the beginning, just didn't know to look. It also sounds like it adds a level of complexity (with hvar files etc) that is quite a bit more than what I'm doing now so maybe just leave it as is. Maybe at some point the left GNS530 430 panel knobs could be available similar to the way the generic gps buttons are in the controls list. But then I can see the problem is that it's only specific to the one aircraft. I'll look into triggering the hvar's with macros. Might be worth the investment to then have a method to have access to the other panel device controls directly.
  4. I've been trying to duplicate the functionality of the stock msfs cessna 172 Garmin GPS com/nav frequency entry knobs. I've wired up a couple of dual rotary knobs to act as the com/nav set knobs. I then used the knob's push button with the flagged conditional feature of fsuipc to duplicate the normal gns 530 and 430 frequency setting behavior where active setting is swapped between com and nav using the same knob. One thing I haven't been able to do is to have the sim highlight the com or nav lcd when either is being actively set. I haven't run across any referrances to offset's or what not that would allow this to be changed when the focus has changed between com and nav. Has access to these internals been discovered or published anywhere? Functionally, it works but you have to remember which one is focused, which, when things get busy, adds pain. I also just kind of want to see if I can get it working right. It's a want not a need, so no big deal if the info just isn't out there.
  5. Thank you for the reply. I know im kind of barking up the wrong tree. Better directed at brunner. or even better microsoft. Not sure where they listen to the internet. I'll figure it out.
  6. I have a yoke that will rotate to the normal range of many ga aircraft. 90 degrees left or right of center if my math is correct. Because of this, I would like the simulator to just duplicate the true angle of the yoke, a linear response. I cannot do this yet with msfs. In msfss' sensitivity settings, it is possible to change the curve from the default center focused geometric curve to a straight linear graph. Unfortunately, there is no change in the actual results. With another simulator for example, it is possible to set a simple linear response curve in the simulator so that the yoke aileron response is solely dictated by the true angle of the control/hid. Therefore, I'm certain this is an msfs issue and not a fault of the control. I have tried setting the response to a negatively geometric curve in the control's presimulation settings, but the result is some kind of n^6 type curve that is, well, quite a bit worse. This is a ffb yoke and therefore, as mentioned, has its own presimulation settings, etc. Im not sure where fsuipc would fit into the sequence of signal processing. Any expert opinion as to whether this is worth trying to fix, or just wait for msfs to implement it's sensitivity settings? ... or am I missing something like a tied shoelace? using the default msfs cessna 172, steam gauge
  7. Yes, much better and worked great. my example for anyone who reads later with similar query: 1=CP(-C,28)C,26,C1026,0 -{vor1 obi dec fast}- 2=CP(-C,28)C,27,C1027,0 -{vor1 obi inc fast}- 3=CP(+C,28)C,26,C65662,0 -{VOR1_OBI_DEC}- 4=CP(+C,28)C,27,C65663,0 -{VOR1_OBI_INC}- on device id C where rotary counterclockwise is button 26, clockwise is button 27, and rotary push is button 28. so you can adjust the obi fast initially and then fine tune by holding the rotary knob push button. now i just need a john dowson for the rest of my life. eg: me: my kid wont eat asparagus. john dowson: easier to start with broccoli, instructions are in the user guide P20 ... You should be able to use that, or adapt to your needs.
  8. I'd like to use lua to change the assignment of an hid/control in fsuipc. Coming from a background in c++, so hopefully don't need everything spelled out. If anyone knows how to refer to fsuipc existing assigned control and be able to suggest any similar examples, i think i would hit the ground crawling. Specifically would like to be able to switch between OBI fast and slow with the same rotary switch to facilitate setting vor obi. Even more specific: would like to be able to hold down one toggle switch and have it change the assignment of a rotary switch from OBI normal to OBI fast. Seems like something that might exist already, but I wouldn't know where so would like to make my own. thanks for looking!
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