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  • Birthday 02/01/1963

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  1. I have decided to sell my full size 737 sim and need to know if I can transfer, as part of the package, to a potentially new owner, my copy of FSUIPC. I'm not sure if there are any legalities involved. Thanks Alan
  2. Thanks for your reply. Looks like I'll have to do a bit more 'digging'. Regards Alan
  3. Hello I've assigned a switch to PTT in FSUIPC but it doesn't work when connected to SB. SB is installed on a client machine, and I have recently migrated from FS9 to FSX. I never had a problem in FS9. I have carried out what I believe are sufficient checks to rule out the obvious, for example, Volume levels, switch is recognised in FSUIPC when pressed. SB does in fact connect because I can hear ATC and on-line players transmissions, and I can send and receive text messages, although I never see any other players aircraft or the comms window on my FSX machine. (Don't know whether there's a clue here)? In the drop down menu I always assigned the switch to PTT for SB3. This is still the case with FSX. I have Simconnect installed on the client machine and other programmes installed on this machine that require Simconnect are connecting. I've also tried starting WideFS (as previously used with FS9) but this makes no difference, and I believe I shouldn't need to use Wide FS for this purpose anyway? Can you help please? Thank you Regards Alan W
  4. Hello jorg.bc I think I've found the reason. I have a home made control column/yoke with 2 100nm gas struts fitted. Problem I found with this is the movements are very 'sticky' so I removed one of the struts and the movements are now super smooth, however the column now rests in the fully down position as the remaining strut is the opposing force so keeping it in this position. So at 80kts when I pull the stick back it is a lot closer to the centre position and when reaching VR it hasn't the right feel about it. So leaving the stick fully forward, omitting pulling back slightly at 80kts, and then at VR pulling right back, I've found a much more fluid action and a nice gentle lift off. Suppose I better get my engineering skills back to work and find a solution to the mechanics of it! Hope that all makes sense. Cheers Alan W
  5. Hello Pete. I'm comfortable and happy now that I understand how to calibrate the controls but what I don't understand is once I have saved a setting it's never the same next time I fly. For example at VR pulling back the control column on one flight I will need to pull the column back some distance before lift off and the next flight I have only to look at it and we have lift off! Is this something to do possibly with weights and CG? or FSUIPC? Thank you. Regards Alan W
  6. Great thanks Regards Alan
  7. Hello Pete What's the difference between 'aileron trim' (left or right) and aileron trim set? Thanks Alan W
  8. Thank you Pete Appreciated Regards Alan W
  9. Hello Pete Can you help please? When turning left the aileron movement causes the aircraft to bank very quickly but this doesn't happen when banking right which, by contrast, is smooth, almost graceful. I believe this may be to do with the centre position, however, I have tried several hundred different centre positions (and slopes) but I can't match the smoothness of the right turn to the left! Have you any suggestions that might help? FSUIPC is up to date. FSX. RSP Jetstream 737-800. All controls through FSUIPC, all FS controls/assignments deleted. Thank you. Regards
  10. Hello Pete Hope you had a nice break? I have Saitek Pro Combat pedals installed and assigned through FSUIPC. Is it better to calibrate them within their own calibration set up rather than FSUIPC. Would assigning them in FSX assignments be detrimental to the other controls I have assigned in FSUIPC-elevator, aileron etc? Thank you Regards Alan W
  11. Hi Pete I thought I'd post and let you know I've finally got to grips with the calibration method. Thanks Regards Alan
  12. You said "sorry, what manual says that and where" Anyway the contents haven't changed. I think I know how to do this now. Off topic slightly have you been on the Bluebell line since they opened the Kingscote to East Grinstead section? Fantastic feat of engineering. Cheers AlanW
  13. FSUIPC v 4.928. Manual; when I first ever bought FSUIPC V3.70. I was using FS9 at that time. Wrong order? I don't understand that. I'll have a look at the manual for this version. Regards AlanW
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