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  1. @Garcez Thats correct. Wrong Altitude is a MSFS issue. I´m actually flying crosscountry JFK->LAX and ATC is yelling the whole time so i cut them of. 😁 @John Dowson Regarding my Problem. I deleted the ini File as you mentioned and let fsuipc generate a new one. And as a second step i deleted the fsuipc startup shortcut for MSFS and reactivated the original sim shortcut to start the it and let fsuipc activating byitself after the sim start. Just a thought, maybe there is a timing issue between the three programms. 🤷‍♂️ That seems to solved my problem for the moment. Still on fsuipc 7.2.6 and MF 9 and it´s runing now, everytime i start the sim. Don´t know exactly what is was, but for the moment i´m happy with it. Thanks for your help and greetings from FL390 somewhere over the US. 😁 Frank
  2. Well, its still a strange thing. Now i installed the last MSFS Hotfix and i´m now able to start the sim with the FBW. But now i faced the same problem with my AP Board. Nothing is working except setting Altitude und QNH. But i can only set the altitude but i cant see it on my AP Board. But i guess i will have a clue now. Have to check that. I guess i had the FBW events installed because i thought it will be needed for the mobiflight settings. Anyway, i have fsuipc for the connection to mobiflight only because i don´t really know how to set my AP Board with arduino with fsuipc only. 😢 Ok, i will do that. Thanks for help for the moment. Greetings Frank
  3. DAMN!!!! I don´t believe that. I tried more than an hour including Computer restart and nothing worked.... So, after your post i gave it another try. After the first usual CTD i got into the cockpit.....and......its runing now. 😨 Still FSUIPC 7.26 and mobiflight 9.......maybe you have the magical touch and fixed the issue or.....whatever....don´t know what it was. 😲 Well, i attached the log and ini anyway. I use mobiflight events to handle my AP Board. I have no clue how to do it with fsuipc only. 🥴 Cheers and thanks for your fast reply. Frank FSUIPC7.1.log FSUIPC7.ini
  4. Hi, got a lot of trouble with the latest sim update and the fbw. Tried a few things but its still strange at all. Anyway, i made it somehow into the fbw cockpit and faced an issue which is maybe related to the last sim update but maybe to fsuipc and/or mobiflight. I have an AP Board which worked perfectly until i did the update to mobiflight 9 and fsuipc 7.2.6 i guess. I´m not quite sure at all if it worked after the sim update because of the heavy problems. So i can´t use Speed Setting, Altitide Setting and Heading Setting anymore and in the FBW i have some Push Buttons for the ECAM Displays which also stopped working. Same thing as well in the TBM, where i have a different mobiflight profil. When i look at the event logging, i can see, that nothing show up there, when i use the SIM Cockpit to change these AP settings instead of my AP Board. Thats means for me, there is no input coming in to fsuipc. In fact, i´m totally lost at the moment because of the unknowledge if its the sim, the new fsuipc version or the new mobiflight version. Anyway, i´m done with the sim for the moment, because i´m not able to bring the fbw up again at certain airports, what is really odd. Maybe someone faced the same problem and have a clue what it is. Greetings Frank
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