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Posts posted by deltaflight

  1. Hi Peter,

    Forgive me if this has been covered here earlier. I did a search and turned up nothing resembling this issue.

    I am programming CDU keys on a client PC using Project Magenta.

    Registered versions of FSUIPC and Wide FS are running properly.

    I am programming the keys via the FSUIPC Button's applet inside Flightsim 2004.

    Here's the problem. I have managed to get all buttons, letter keys, number keys, and LSK keys to function properly.

    However, I cannot get the other keys like Menu, Fix, Prog, Crz, etc. to work. In other words, any key requiring the Ctrl key combination does not work.

    Now I did view on Project Magenta's forum whereas you discovered and spoke on this issue as well. I also viewed a followup by Enrico acknowledging the problem and stating it would be fixed in the next release of the CDU software.

    I currently have the most recent release of the CDU software installed and still cannot get these to function properly.

    An example of what I am tryi9ng to do is below:

    Programming the Menu key.

    Required combination is Ctrl-F6

    Wheras Ctrl = 512

    and F1= 117

    Value required should be 629.

    Unfortuantely, none of these work.

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you.

  2. Peter,

    First off, thank you kindly for your reply.

    You mentioned the sound card and I too was very skepitical about it as well. But as I mentioned, I have actually pulled the card and used no sound and ended up with the same result.

    Like you, we use .50 zoom in our simulator setup also. I'm beginning to wonder if the 128mb version of the Parhelia is even able to handle the weather in FS2004. I'm beginning to believe it cannot.

    I did try your recommendations regarding DirectX and disabled AGP texturing as well as reducing the sound acceleration to the bare minimum. Although the sim stuttered more often, it did seem I lasted a little longer in the precipitation before the inevitable happened. I'm so frustrated at this point I'm either going to trash the card or go back to FS2002.

    I mentioned how poorly the Matrox support is. In fact if you read their surround gaming forum, there is quite a bit of dissention amongst the group. In my opinion, it stems from Matrox's inability to address anything that gamers bring up as problems. Even the reported problems that they ARE ABLE to duplicate go unattended. As you were aware, we had the unsightly horizon issue in dense fog in FS2002. It too was never addressed. Such a shame for such a card that provides so much potential. Enough hollering. I appologize.

    I thank you again for answering my post and I'll keep trying. One other thing. You inquired as to whether the other machine was also a AMD. Yes it in fact was a 1700+ Athlon.

    Michael Lehkamp


  3. Please first excuse me for posting this topic here but I cannot find an active email address for you...

    I'm writing you because I know you too have the Matrox Parhelia card.

    The problem I am having is that any type of precipitation, i.e. rain or snow, freezes my system shortly after being activated within the weather scenarios. All within FS2004. Did not have this problem with FS2002.

    I have done everything in my mind to remedy the situation from un-installing sound cards, disabling joysticks, re-installing the software, etc. etc. You name it, I've done it.

    Thinking the system I had was not enough, I built a new one and still have the same damn problem. Shortly after the precipitation starts, the screen will freeze but the sound is still playing for another 6-8 seconds or so. The sound then begins making a repititious bam-bam-bam noise. The only way I can get out of the lockup is to do a cold boot. Ctrl-alt-delete does nothing. Again, I've tried everything. All sliders, and I mean every slider within FS2004 all the way to the left. I've even removed the raindrop.bmp and disabled precipitation within the fs9.cfg. Still the problem remains. I normally fly in 3072x768 (32) 3 screen mode but I have tried all others as well such as:





    I've tried all 3 Matrox drivers now using their most recent release. I've tried DX9 and now I'm using DX9.b.

    I'm at a loss.

    All give me the same damn lockup.

    If you have any words of wisdom I could surely use some help.

    Thanks so much and I have listed my current specs below:

    Athlon 2400+ CPU

    Gigabyte GA-7VTXE mobo with Via KT266A chipset and most recent bios install

    512 ddr memory

    Parhelia 128mb card

    PS: Matrox tech support is absolutely useless!

    Michael Lehkamp


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